1 Way To Heal A Broken Heart

One way I know a broken heart is healed is my belief in Jesus and consistency in serving Him. I have bring through tough times and my heart has been broken but when I called to Jesus he started to help me each day. So my solution to share would be call on Jesus and tell Him what is hurting you. Also the Bible says an encouraging word can lift you up so don’t be shy to listen to an encouraging video on YouTube. God has healing in your future when you choose Jesus.

Fear: Specifically Trouble

You know, there are some things we just have to face in life. And that is unfortunate, but we have a loving God that can help us. We may feel sss as d about being trapped in a certain situation, but Ecclesiastes says to get rid of sorrow from your heart. You may have to watch some funny video, or change what your thinking about, but the advice is get rid of sorrow. This is real life, with real reward and real trouble. But we are promised victory when we remain innocent and do the right thing. Proverbs says the righteous come through trouble. We can hope that our trouble will end. We also need to not blame Jesus for our pain. Sure, God made us, and yes, He may not instantly change the situation, but it can change very fast and the answer may come quickly but know your problem is not with God. Maybe you made a foolish decision. Maybe you sinned. Or maybe it’s our enemy, but our only solution is in Jesus. Jesus still want to the cross even though He didn’t fully want to. I mean we can pray God to never have let Jesus go to the cross. And Jesus did pray that. But some things seem hard for the human side of us to understand, but when we lean on the Holy Spirit side of us we can find power to do the things we can’t do on our own. Jesus said God would give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. So, don’t Give Up. Try to push past your pain and offense. And pray in your suffering. God is not going to allow the righteous to Suffer forever. It’s just a necessary evil, to bring about a different outcome. God bless you and Remember, The Righteous come through trouble.

The End is not yet

You know, Jesus said the end will not happen immediately. If your looking for a huge sign to show that the end of the world is here, don’t hold your breath. Jesus gave many indications in scripture that the end is going to look like a fairly normal day. Jesus said people will be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, planting and building until the day the Son of man comes. There is going to be an appearing of Jesus in the sky to take His church to Heaven, but there will also be a second coming of Jesus to the earth to establish His kingdom to reign on Earth for 1000 years. So, what I want to bring out in this article is that there won’t be huge signs that you say, “oh wow, it must be the end of the world.” We have to believe God and come to that conclusion by the Word of God.

The parable of the five wise virgins is a great example of this because the virgins all fell asleep before the fall rang out that the bridegroom is here. Sleep could represent a few things but what I want to bring out is that they all felt as if they could sleep. You only sleep in a quiet and normal environment. You don’t go to sleep in a loud and crazy environment. So, the virgins didn’t have any signs before falling asleep, the call rang out unexpectedly. If I could summarize this article it would be in one word, unexpectedly. So in conclusion, the parable of the five wise virgins shows you need to be wise, ready, and you need to know Jesus. You know God by keeping His commands, you are wise by keeping Jesus’ teachings in the gospels, and you are ready by being blameless or in other words not practicing sin. Turn from Sin today.

Wicked and lazy servant

We all need to be productive but what does that actually look like with Jesus kingdom in mind. This looks like organizing our day to have bible reading, prayer, but so much more. Are you letting your light shine in your home or secret place? Do you follow the commands in the New Testament?

We need to bring back a return on what Jesus has given us. But what has Jesus given us? He has given us faith, the Bible, the church, the Holy Spirit, and resources to help us minister like Pastors, Teachers, Evangelist, Apostles, and Prophets. How are you utilizing these gifts? Jesus gave a parable about a wicked and Lazy Servant who did nothing with what he was given but began to eat and drink with drunkards.

Let’s ask ourselves are we salty or are we losing our salt.

Be Blessed

Be In Charge of Ten Cities or Five

In Luke 19:17 Jesus gave a parable that pertains to every Christian. We NEED to all get a “well done” at the end of our race called life. We are each in a marathon race running to life with Jesus or without Him. We all need to be faithful in what we do but most importantly to Jesus. We can do this with His help. We may be like Peter and say Lord I will never leave you, but we all know Peter did leave Jesus even though the circumstances would not have made any of us make a better decision. We need to endure until Jesus comes back, but when is He coming back? When He does He could tell us well done and we could be in charge of ten cities because of the faithfulness we have shown with the little we have now. I think this is literal. Let’s look forward to a big reward.


Jesus could wait longer. No one knows the day or the hour and even in a few parables Jesus gave examples that He tarried or waited to come back. If the master, God, doesn’t come back for another ten years or more we have to trust God and stick with him. Jesus promised that when we build our house on the rock we won’t be blown down when the storm hits. God bless you

Free from Sin

If you still sin, there is a problem. You have to know God by knowing the difference between right and wrong and then doing what is right. God wants to set us free from sin in this life before we go to Heaven. This means confessing your sins that God will forgive you. Jesus said to be perfect just as our Heavenly Father is perfect. If your really struggling with a sin, ask God, “how do I overcome this sin? Will you help me?” Literally ask God that and He will. I am getting closer to not seeing. This last big sin I did was about 6 months ago. I got free from that by telling someone I did it, and confessing it. Get into your Bible daily and hide it in your heart. God has a plan for you.

Don't Envy The Wicked

Once we become Christians we represent Jesus. Yes Jesus did have sinners around Him, but He didn’t do what they did. God says that we are to come out from among them and be separate. The wicked get their reward in this life, but God wants us to wait for our reward. Yes God can give us a abundant life here, but we are not to be like the wicked. God says to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and God will give us the things we need. To seek first the kingdom is seek Jesus and His life, seek things of church and become more like God. May you know what you have in Christ, and realize that Gods people are blessed and not the wicked. Turn from Wickedness today.


1 John 3:6 NKJV

[6] Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.

The Bible is clear, we have to keep seeking and doing what Christ said to be set free. We are to turn away from evil and do good. If you find yourself in sin, realize that the reason Jesus appeared was to take away our sins. There are things you need to do in order to be set free. One of those things is confessing you have sinned. Don’t stay in denial, but bring your sin to the light. God has a plan for your life and one of those plans is that you are blameless. Blameless means to be free from sin. All things are possible with God. Take sin seriously and tell someone.

Don't Procrastinate Your Salvation

We all have times where we are putting off doing something we need to do. But we should not do that with Jesus. Today is the day of salvation. Meaning today we need to turn away from sin. Today we have to choose to read the Bible. Today we have to choose to ask God for help with what we need. Sometimes we may be in situations where we don’t know what to do or how to do it. We need God to help us. I believe we also have to let go of the things that can tangle us which is the cares of this life. It is so easy to want want want more and more, but God says Godliness with contentment is great gain. Yes, you may want romance, or a house, or something else, but God is what we need and He provides all our needs when we become His children. Let’s secure our salvation and truly find and stay on the path of life because few find it. Jesus said He is the way, the truth, and the life. Seek Him and live.

Your House Is Going To Be Strong

As you do what Jesus says, your house, or your life, is going to be strong. Specifically it is being built on a strong foundation. As in Matthew 7:24 we read that if we do what God is telling us to do, it will be like a house being built on a rock. When the floods came, the water rose and the winds beat on that house but it was built on a rock and did not fall. We also have to be patient for the things we want in life. Sometimes God is using a storm so He can build our character but also to test to see if our faith is genuine.

You may be a christian today but will you be tomorrow when life is hard. Today your resisting sin but what about when your fed up and just want to keep drinking alcohol or you just want to tell that person what you really think. These are examples to say that God wants us to be strong and be with Him through it all because He really is real and He made us to be loved and do life with Him.

We all have dark days, but make God your hope and continue to do what He says.

Oil of gladness

First, as we read in Psalm 119:105 the word of God is the lamp. “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” So if anyone has a Bible, they have a lamp.

What is the oil in the parable of the ten virgins? There is more understanding about the parable of the ten virgins when it talks about oil from the book of Hebrews. Oil wasn’t brought by the foolish virgins. In Hebrews 1:9 it says that oil is the “oil of gladness.” “You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.””

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The verse also says “more than your companions.” I think this could mean the wise virgins had in their company the foolish virgins and God have them gladness more than the foolish ones. I think it means that the foolish virgins had no gladness. They followed without any oil of gladness. How do we get oil of gladness, by “hating lawlessness and loving righteousness.” Sin is lawlessness. So because we hate sin, we get the oil of joy. And we have to remember to be glad and take the oil of gladness with us. We purchase this by coming to Jesus and putting our faith in Him and live like he wants us to.

This means we need to live righteously by doing the will of God and God will give us this oil. This is just one interpretation of the oil. The oil is often looked at as the Holy Spirit but I just wanted to give another interpretation. Thank you.

The End: All Inclusive Guide

The End will come after the Rapture. I believe the following verses is what happens at the beginning or right after the rapture: “I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains,”“and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭6:12-17‭NKJV‬‬

So, the Bible is stating this is the day of God’s wrath. Just before this verse it states what tradition says the disciples and other Christians went through in history after Jesus went to heaven, they were persecuted and killed. Matthew 24 and Luke 21 state the timeline of the world until the tribulation and the second coming of Christ. The second coming of Christ is different from the rapture as stated in Titus when Paul calls the coming of Christ an appearing and kingdom. The rapture could be called an appearing. When Christ returns to the earth it will be his kingdom being set up. I highly recommend a book by Bob Yandian called Understanding the End Times. I believe it is quite accurate. Anyway, Luke 21 says this: “But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and rulers for My name’s sake.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭21:12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

I believe this has already happened and does not apply to our time because it says before all these things. Matthew 24 verses 9-10 says what I don’t think applies to us because with Luke 21 it says before all these things. What it says before this is what we look for as signs for our time: “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭21:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Also this is another sign for our time: “Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:11-12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Finally Matthew chapter 24 verses 15-28 talk about the tribulation as does 1&2 Thessalonians and Revelation. So to conclude the rapture can’t take place until the Son of Perdition is revealed or the Antichrist. “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,”

‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭2:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

When we see the Son of perdition who exalts himself above all that is called God, the rapture will take place and the end will come.

Keep His Commands

It is so important for us to keep Jesus’s commands. We are no longer under the law. The law cannot bring us to the standard that God requires of us. We can only place our faith in Jesus to fulfill the righteous requirement of the law. What commands do we keep? We keep the New Testament commands and admonishments that are given throughout. Jesus told us things in the gospel for us to do like forgive or don’t judge and so on.

Don’t Sin

We should not continue in sin. God has freed us from the curse of the law so that we may be found in Jesus. God’s grace is for us to put to death the deeds of the flesh by the spirit of God. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. We have to continue in the Word of God to be set free. Keep reading or listening to your audio bible. Keep practicing what the Bible says by confessing your sins and we will be set free. God bless you on your journey with Christ. Let’s remember to build our life on the rock of Christ and we will remain standing.

Get Help

Don’t wait until it is too late to get help about an issue that is bothering you. So many times we can not get help right away when we need it. We need to be able to accept correction when we hear people telling us what they don’t like about our behavior. God is looking to change us, but remember that He may rebuke and chastise us as we read in Revelation 3:19, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.” Chasten means to discipline us or to cause misfortune. There may be times when Jesus allows something unfortunate in our life to change our heart and behavior. God wants to free us from sin, and He does when we continue in His word. Don’t wait until Sunday to hear from God. Listen to God’s word everyday. Don’t wait to forgive someone, but learn to practice what the Bible is preaching. We need to get wisdom to navigate life’s challenges. If your marriage is in need of repair, get marriage books but also ask God to help you, and ask professionals for advice. Marriage is just an example to say that with any problem search for an answer, and when there is no answer, search for what to do with no answer. Don’t wait, call on the name of the Lord today.

How To Get Free From Sin

The first step is accepting Jesus Christ and believing in Him. This is the reason Jesus died, to set us free from sin and He rose again. The next step is coming to and abiding in the Word of God. John 8:31-32 says that If you abide in my word, you are my disciplines indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. You have to come to the knowledge of the truth. The biggest thing you need to know is that your actions are either right or wrong. You need to realize that your sin is wrong. If you don’t know that your sin is wrong, then you won’t have a desire to change.

When I started to research and discover if my actions were wrong, I started on the journey to become free from sin. I had to come to the knowledge that the Word of God was true and that God knows the right way for His creation to behave. Next, your going to need to confess your sins. Go to a pastor, a parent, or a trusted friend and confess your sins. Tell them what your problem is and this will allow God to heal you from all unrighteousness. Finally you need to pray. It may take awhile to actually get free, but God promises that you will get free IF you continue in his word. Pray and ask God to set you free. Talk to God about your sin. He knows and understands what your going through and wants to and will bring healing to your heart. Get smarter, read books, and get understanding about your particular situation. God never fails and you can count on Him to help you when you just continue to go to Him. He is there.

We Live By Faith not by sight

If your situation is bad right now remember we have to live by faith. We put faith in our God that He will work everything out for your good. But we have to do our part and change what we need to change in our life if what your going through was caused by sin. Not every bad problem is because of sin, but overall we know that God loves us. I think it’s so easy to get mad at God when things go wrong. But remember how God is so good. There is no darkness in Him. He cares so much about you. Jesus came to earth just to heal us. But when the situation doesn’t look good, don’t get bitter and become defiled. Be patient and have faith in God. He loves us so much and wants what is best for you and me.

I have seen in my own life how a situation turned around for good. I was looking at a bad situation that would have changed my life in a negative way, but God delivered me. It didn’t happen overnight though. Sometimes God allows something to happen to work it for our good and we may gain character or patience and patience works hope. Keep speaking well about God in your heart and with your mouth. Exalt God as a great creator. The righteous cry for help and the Lord delivers them out of all their trouble. God bless you.

There is a pre-tribulation rapture

In scripture, sometimes just a short one or two verse sentence can mean so much. In prophecy, scripture is very important up to just one or two verses and you do not need a whole chapter to describe a coming prophecy. Revelation 3:1 is a great explanation of how God will save the church from tribulation. Don’t ignore this scripture but put A LOT of weight on it. Let’s read:

“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

In this verse Jesus is speaking to the church and you may miss it because you may think this verse is speaking to a specific church in history. But God is writing this to the church that is right before all the events that are going to take place later in the book of Revelation. Now, it’s possible that this church has not come about in history yet, but Jesus also instructs us that like we know the season when a fig tree is in bloom, we will know when He is about to return by seeing the signs. But this promise to keep us from the hour of trial is about the tribulation and not describing His coming in Revelation 20 when the trial has already taken place.

The hour of trial is the destruction of Babylon because later on John who is writing this book, tells us that Babylon gets destroyed in a single hour. The hour of trial. So, we can expect as a church a rescue from the hour of trial or the events of Revelation of probably chapters 6-19. The rescue is from a intense trial described hitting the earth. “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.”‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬. God after telling us He will keep us from the hour of trial goes on to put it in perspective of what He means, He will “come quickly” to pick us up. The last verse I can associate with the verse that says He is coming to pick us up is in John 14: Anyway, the last point I want to make is that the rapture cannot happen until a falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed as we read 2 Thessalonians: “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,”II Thessalonians‬ ‭2:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬. So when He is revealed I am guessing the hour of trial has not started yet, because remember Jesus says to the church He will keep us from the hour of trial. God bless you, and remember God has not appointed us to wrath. 1 Thessalonians 5:9 “ For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The Sign of The Return of Jesus from Luke 21: 25-28

The Rapture is not immediate and I am going to show you that something needs to take place as we look forward to the rapture. Nothing prophetically may not happen other that what I am going to show you and that is found in Luke 21. In Luke 21 Jesus gives us a look into the future. He is talking about the time that He is on earth all the way to present day and past our present day. Starting in verse 8 Jesus says don’t let anyone lead you astray telling you that the time has come or that they are the messiah. This is so important today because we cannot say the rapture can happen anytime because of what He says in verses 25-28. But before we talk about that I will show you Jesus says don’t panic when you hear of wars and rumors of wars. There will be earthquakes and signs in heaven, but these are all not the end yet. So don’t let anyone mislead you when they are saying that a blood moon or eclipse is a sign of the complete end. It is a sign of the end but not the immediate end, and what i am sharing with you in this article is not the signs of the complete end like the tribulation and the millennium kingdom, but the sign of the rapture or as Luke puts it, “The Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory.”Jesus then goes on a tangent and tells the disciples that they are going to be betrayed by family friends and relatives and put on trial and persecuted and everyone will hate them.

Then Jesus picks up on the timeline again and starts to talk about the future. He says when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies you know that desolation is near. He talks about how Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD. He says how Jews were killed by the sword and taken captive into all the nations. Jesus then gives another check mark on the timeline of when things have taken place and He says that Jerusalem will be trodden underfoot by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles comes in. A Gentile is anyone not Jewish. This time was until 1948 when Israel became a nation and the time of the Gentiles ended. Now we know where we are in relation to us in present day 2021.

Finally I want to talk about verses 25-28 of Luke 21. These are the signs of the rapture. Jesus says that there will be STRANGE signs in the sun, moon, and stars. STOP right here. The rapture will be drawing closer when we start to see strange signs. Not normal signs like an eclipse or blood moon. but Strange signs. This is believed to happen but not yet completely. Let’s continue, Verse 26 says people will be TERRIFIED at what is coming on the earth, not by lawlessness, or murders or evil, but by the powers of the heavens being shaken. We can also note that nations, full blown nations will be in turmoil and perplexed by roaring seas and strange tides. I believe this is happening now. You can see videos on Youtube about flooding happening in different parts of the world in different nations and Tsunamis. The strange tides and roaring seas are happening now is what I mean. I believe there is only one sign left, people being terrified at what they see coming upon the earth. So We are going to see something coming upon the earth before the rapture. Then Jesus says we will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud. So when we see all these things we lift up our head because our redemption draws near.

Serve God First

Whatever your looking for today, instead of pleading with God about trying to get it, reevaluate your life and say, “How Am I Serving God?” Let me explain. We need to be healthy people before we start moving forward in our life. God wants us to eliminate sin by believing in His Son Jesus. Too many of us try building our life first before having anything to do with God. We need to build on the foundation first. Our life is but a short term thing in light of eternity. We will have time to do and enjoy all that we want to do, but first Jesus died to eliminate Sin that we were so addicted to.

Let God be first in your life. Watch Christian movies, read Christ centered books, listen to your bible, and have Godly conversations before you start to desire other things. Before you start to desire a better relationship with your spouse develop a great relationship with Jesus. Psalm 34:10 says The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. We can be assured that when we seek the Lord we will see good in the land of the living. God is going to take care of us, and we just need to have faith in Jesus first. God bless you

How To Get Free From porn? 7 Steps

  1. Believe That watching Porn Is Sinful and WrOng

    No one ever willingly walks into extreme danger, it kinda just happens. I didn’t find freedom from a particular sin until I actually knew it was wrong. Until I went to my asked someone I trust if what I was doing was wrong, and they told me yes, then I began to work on not doing it. Now, stopping the sin didn’t actually happen overnight, but it did stop. Go to the Bible and look for yourself, Jesus says if you lust for someone that’s not your spouse, you have sinned. Now Jesus wouldn’t condemn you, but He would say go and sin no more. You have the power, just believe.

  2. confess to someone you trust

The Bible says that when we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So, we need to tell someone, like you have been caught. Now confessing to God is good, but bring someone you trust into that is not struggling with porn themselves, and confess, like a pastor. The Bible says confess your sins one to another.


really pray. tell God your struggling with porn and you want to quit. There is a God in heaven named Jesus who cares about what your going through. Open your mouth and pray by talking. Let God know you want to be free of this addiction. The Bible says in all our ways acknowledge God and He will direct your path. Ask God, do you want me looking at porn? Does this please you!? You know the answer is no, but the point is acknowledging God is there

4.Repeat The Quit process

I didn’t get free in one day, it took a battle to really stop. I actually saw myself in addiction and struggling, and I am telling you exactly what I did. I told people what I was going through, I talk to a counselor, and I quit alcohol which brings up another step

5. Quit Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol reduces your judgement and your ability to use self control. If you don’t believe drinking alcohol is affecting your porn problem then your lying to yourself. Quit alcohol and gain your self control back

6. Hide God’s Word in Your heArt

You need to get the Bible into your brain. Know your bible because it is alive and really words from God. Listen to an audio bible on YouTube if you don’t like reading. Read if you want to, but know all of the Bible, medicate your brain with comforting words from the Bible. But like the Bible says, it’s only comforting to those who do what’s right.

7. Abide in jesus teaching

Do what Jesus says. He teaches to treat others how we want to be treated. Jesus teaches to forgive and not condemn. He says that if you abide in his teaching or continue in His teaching that you will be set free from sin (John 8). If you truly become a Christian by practicing what Jesus says do, you will be set free. Real transformation comes from changing how you think about living life and treating other people. If you love God you will try to change. And by trying your gonna see a victory by continuing to try to live out Jesus’ teaching