Be In Charge of Ten Cities or Five

In Luke 19:17 Jesus gave a parable that pertains to every Christian. We NEED to all get a “well done” at the end of our race called life. We are each in a marathon race running to life with Jesus or without Him. We all need to be faithful in what we do but most importantly to Jesus. We can do this with His help. We may be like Peter and say Lord I will never leave you, but we all know Peter did leave Jesus even though the circumstances would not have made any of us make a better decision. We need to endure until Jesus comes back, but when is He coming back? When He does He could tell us well done and we could be in charge of ten cities because of the faithfulness we have shown with the little we have now. I think this is literal. Let’s look forward to a big reward.


Jesus could wait longer. No one knows the day or the hour and even in a few parables Jesus gave examples that He tarried or waited to come back. If the master, God, doesn’t come back for another ten years or more we have to trust God and stick with him. Jesus promised that when we build our house on the rock we won’t be blown down when the storm hits. God bless you