Serve God First

Whatever your looking for today, instead of pleading with God about trying to get it, reevaluate your life and say, “How Am I Serving God?” Let me explain. We need to be healthy people before we start moving forward in our life. God wants us to eliminate sin by believing in His Son Jesus. Too many of us try building our life first before having anything to do with God. We need to build on the foundation first. Our life is but a short term thing in light of eternity. We will have time to do and enjoy all that we want to do, but first Jesus died to eliminate Sin that we were so addicted to.

Let God be first in your life. Watch Christian movies, read Christ centered books, listen to your bible, and have Godly conversations before you start to desire other things. Before you start to desire a better relationship with your spouse develop a great relationship with Jesus. Psalm 34:10 says The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. We can be assured that when we seek the Lord we will see good in the land of the living. God is going to take care of us, and we just need to have faith in Jesus first. God bless you