Only Rapture

The Rapture is the only way out of here or a bunker. Get to work

Flesh is Death

The truth is, if we live according to the flesh we bring death in our life. Romans I believe says this to let us know Gods position on sin so that we can live a life free from sin. I believe this is my goal in the Christian life. But I also believe God gives us the power to do so, when we continue in Jesus teaching.

Jesus said in the gospel of John that if we continue on his teaching we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. I think this means we keep practicing what Jesus taught, then we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. So if Jesus says “love your enemies,” then trying our best to do that. Then we will know God.

I think this is becoming obvious to me this is a process that takes place over time as we grow in Jesus’s Word. I don’t think this is an over night process. Let’s keep fighting the good fight of faith, and lay hold on eternal life. I think we are not hauled up to heaven immediately because God wants us to fight the fight of faith and also wants to see if we really don’t want to sin. Let’s continue to serve God and cleave to Him.

God bless you

Doubting The Bible

If you live any time at all you know the Devil is trying to get us to doubt the Bible. I think we can doubt the sinfulness of ourselves and other people. Because we are still hiding like Adam and Eve in the garden. We need to come into the light and say Jesus, I have a problem that I don’t know how to solve.

One thing I know I can struggle with is believing without seeing. I always want to see something to believe. And I can get mad at God because I wonder, how can the world be like this. But I want to come back to trusting God. Trusting the truth of God. How He, God, is not evil. The Devil is evil, but we have to resist him.

I think there are many things in this world we can doubt and look for evidence for. But God has already given us enough, and I am sure Jesus can enlighten us more when we are ready. Jesus is the only answer. Don’t scratch your head about what we don’t know, but praise God for what He has spoken to us through Jesus and The Bible.

When Sin Feels Good

Temptation isn’t easy because it’s something that we want to do. On some level in our mind we sort of like the sin that we are being tempted to commit We as people have to learn that there is a judgement to the sin that entices us. We think we can just live without believing there is a God to convict us, but that doesn’t change reality. Plus when we don’t care about the judgement and just sin anyway, is just a poor decision. I think we have to really start caring about God, Jesus and right and wrong. I think before anything, Jesus dying for us and going through what He did on the cross sparks compassion in our hearts to want to know more about Jesus.

We are born sinners. God understands. But that still doesn’t change the fact that we have to pay for our sins. Trying our best to understand why God says sin is wrong I think can really help us. Looking down the road 200 years from now can also help. Regardless of liking the sin, we won’t be able to continue the sin when judgement comes. We have to ask God to take away our desire for sin. We have to allow Jesus to transform us. This world is what we get when we do things our way. Ask God to transform your heart so that you don’t desire sin. He will do it. Only believe

The Last Days

We truly live in unprecedented times. We are seeing more sin as described in the Bible. What are we to do? I think we must keep the faith. We must keep on being a light in this dark world knowing that at the right time God will rescue us from this dying world. Think about it, Christian’s, really true Believers, are the only people that will exist for all eternity. It’s mind boggling when you think about how there is no other world or existence apart from God’s creation. Granted God could make more people in the future earth but we aren’t told that. We are told whoever believes and is baptized will be saved and whoever does not believe will be condemned Mark 16:16.

The world is crumbling and soon we will be standing before God to account for our life and He will determine our eternal destiny. We can receive eternal life now by having saving faith in Jesus Christ. Not just saying a prayer and hiding your faith in a hole. But using what God gives you to multiply and bear fruit. Jesus has given us such a wonderful opportunity by dying on the cross for our sins to bring us into right relationship with God. Why waste God’s gift? There is so much to look forward to in the new world. Buy your ticket to paradise today by truly believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.


What To Do While We Wait

Waiting On The Rapture? Do This:

We don’t know when the Rapture will take place, but we are told to “do business till I come,” in the book of Luke 19:13. Jesus is saying that we need do the Fathers business until He comes back. I think we all want Jesus to return sooner than later. We feel like we are really wanting God to deliver us from our troubles and fears. But we should not live in fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). I think the best thing we can do is ask God for a solution to our problems in the right now and not in the by and by. My Bible tells me that the righteous are delivered out of trouble and it comes to the wicked instead (Proverbs 11:8). My point in this detour message before I get to the main message is we should be occupying our time with getting ready for Christ return and being found by Him in peace.

Main Message:

We should all be occupying our time with Jesus’ work instead of going about our own business in life. If you go through life and never know Jesus. You are risking your eternal destination. If you do know Jesus, and you don’t spend your life getting to know God and His Son Jesus better and better, you could end up not getting rewards or worse, being found by Him not ready for His return. What should you do? First, have a life free from sin. You may not get it right everyday, but you should consistently be walking in the light and not in darkness. Do you know the difference between good and evil? If not, that should be on your to do list. Second, I think we should all be excersising our faith in good works. That means volunteering at church or another organization, helping the sick and needy. Spending your money on profitable things like homeless shelters and church missions. We should all do our best to live a life of light where people can see you have faith. Like in the book of James, faith without works is dead. Lastly, you should be looking to grow. Grow what God has planted in you. This could look like reading more of your bible and seeking understanding about what your reading. This could also look like growing in the fruits of the spirit like patience and how kind you are to others and how loving you are. People should know we are Christians instead of saying one thing and doing evil the next minute. This isn’t a comprehensive list on everything we should do before the rapture. It is a jumping off point to ask yourself are you ready for Christ return or do you just want the vacation without actually doing the work first? Anyway God bless you and thank you for reading. C ya

Further Study: Check out the video below

Should we sin?

The short answer is no. But the longer answer is I believe we have to convince ourself of this. I believe we receive mixed messages from people that say it’s ok. We have to believe the Bible. The Bible says the reason Jesus was manifested was to take away our sins and in Him there is no sin.

We would do well to really investigate what it means to be a Christian. Does that mean we won’t ever make mistakes? No, but I believe it means the mistakes we make will be minimal. To me, Jesus is saying to all of us go and sin no more. Some sin is more stubborn than others. But nevertheless we are to fight the good fight of faith.

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but we are to turn away from what we know we have done wrong and get knowledge to know what we should avoid. Life is pulling us in different directions, but we should anchor ourself on the foundation of Jesus and what He taught. God bless you

Life being too much

Sometimes life can feel overwhelming. Even when nothing is going wrong it can feel taxing on your spirit to just be alive. Jesus is calling us to patient endurance. Have you ever seen runners stop and drink some water before continuing a race? Sometimes we have to rest in life instead of getting on the with the race of accomplishments, to do lists, and so much like these. We are going to live forever when we put our faith in Jesus. But we so easily forget this and think I need to do this and finish that. Do we really believe we are going to live forever? On top of all this the world is ending. Jesus has already announced it. There is a great scene in a space movie I like where all of a sudden aliens show up to earth to destroy it. In comedy they say, “ these plans to destroy earth have been on display for years.” Jesus is just like this when it comes to announcing the end. It will come suddenly but many will not be ready. If we really believed the world is ending and we are going to live and not die, would we really be concerned about some of the things we are concerned about. We need to secure our place in Heaven by faith in Jesus not in works. Do you keep the commands well? Do you believe by your actions? These questions we need to answer and remember there is a rest for the people of God. But the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things come in and choke the Word, making it unfruitful. God bless you


Don’t let money control you. The Bible says it’s the root of all evil. Pray about it. Learn how to manage it. But if it is the root of evil it’s the reason you could be struggling with a certain sin. Yes get a job and a good one. But there has to be a time when enough is enough. Jesus says riches are deceitful. The problem you could be experiencing is your not managing the money you already have well. There are resources out there to help you learn how. Matthew 25 talks about an unprofitable servant who didn’t use the masters goods well. Don’t be that servant. Take what God is giving you and use wisdom. The Bible says whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. You want to make a six figure income? Why? Your desires for riches could very well be the reason why you don’t have the true riches which are found right in your Bible. And the Bible is literally free. Isaiah talks about come to God and buy without money. Do you realize the riches we have in Christ? Sure maybe you need to budget, maybe you need to look at a video on YouTube about how not to spend money on things you don’t need. But John the Baptist said “be content with your wages.” Take his advice and learn to make what you already have grow!

If you want to enter life

Jesus made it clear that the Ten Commandments are for us even today until Heaven and Earth pass away. Read below:

And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

We are to keep these commands forever!! God bless you


Hey I just want to take out the time to say thank you for following this blog. I am working on being perfect and I ask forgiveness if you have seen a bad post from me. Jesus is perfect so look to Him. God bless you

1 Way To Heal A Broken Heart

One way I know a broken heart is healed is my belief in Jesus and consistency in serving Him. I have bring through tough times and my heart has been broken but when I called to Jesus he started to help me each day. So my solution to share would be call on Jesus and tell Him what is hurting you. Also the Bible says an encouraging word can lift you up so don’t be shy to listen to an encouraging video on YouTube. God has healing in your future when you choose Jesus.

Fear: Specifically Trouble

You know, there are some things we just have to face in life. And that is unfortunate, but we have a loving God that can help us. We may feel sss as d about being trapped in a certain situation, but Ecclesiastes says to get rid of sorrow from your heart. You may have to watch some funny video, or change what your thinking about, but the advice is get rid of sorrow. This is real life, with real reward and real trouble. But we are promised victory when we remain innocent and do the right thing. Proverbs says the righteous come through trouble. We can hope that our trouble will end. We also need to not blame Jesus for our pain. Sure, God made us, and yes, He may not instantly change the situation, but it can change very fast and the answer may come quickly but know your problem is not with God. Maybe you made a foolish decision. Maybe you sinned. Or maybe it’s our enemy, but our only solution is in Jesus. Jesus still want to the cross even though He didn’t fully want to. I mean we can pray God to never have let Jesus go to the cross. And Jesus did pray that. But some things seem hard for the human side of us to understand, but when we lean on the Holy Spirit side of us we can find power to do the things we can’t do on our own. Jesus said God would give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. So, don’t Give Up. Try to push past your pain and offense. And pray in your suffering. God is not going to allow the righteous to Suffer forever. It’s just a necessary evil, to bring about a different outcome. God bless you and Remember, The Righteous come through trouble.

The End is not yet

You know, Jesus said the end will not happen immediately. If your looking for a huge sign to show that the end of the world is here, don’t hold your breath. Jesus gave many indications in scripture that the end is going to look like a fairly normal day. Jesus said people will be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, planting and building until the day the Son of man comes. There is going to be an appearing of Jesus in the sky to take His church to Heaven, but there will also be a second coming of Jesus to the earth to establish His kingdom to reign on Earth for 1000 years. So, what I want to bring out in this article is that there won’t be huge signs that you say, “oh wow, it must be the end of the world.” We have to believe God and come to that conclusion by the Word of God.

The parable of the five wise virgins is a great example of this because the virgins all fell asleep before the fall rang out that the bridegroom is here. Sleep could represent a few things but what I want to bring out is that they all felt as if they could sleep. You only sleep in a quiet and normal environment. You don’t go to sleep in a loud and crazy environment. So, the virgins didn’t have any signs before falling asleep, the call rang out unexpectedly. If I could summarize this article it would be in one word, unexpectedly. So in conclusion, the parable of the five wise virgins shows you need to be wise, ready, and you need to know Jesus. You know God by keeping His commands, you are wise by keeping Jesus’ teachings in the gospels, and you are ready by being blameless or in other words not practicing sin. Turn from Sin today.

Wicked and lazy servant

We all need to be productive but what does that actually look like with Jesus kingdom in mind. This looks like organizing our day to have bible reading, prayer, but so much more. Are you letting your light shine in your home or secret place? Do you follow the commands in the New Testament?

We need to bring back a return on what Jesus has given us. But what has Jesus given us? He has given us faith, the Bible, the church, the Holy Spirit, and resources to help us minister like Pastors, Teachers, Evangelist, Apostles, and Prophets. How are you utilizing these gifts? Jesus gave a parable about a wicked and Lazy Servant who did nothing with what he was given but began to eat and drink with drunkards.

Let’s ask ourselves are we salty or are we losing our salt.

Be Blessed

Be In Charge of Ten Cities or Five

In Luke 19:17 Jesus gave a parable that pertains to every Christian. We NEED to all get a “well done” at the end of our race called life. We are each in a marathon race running to life with Jesus or without Him. We all need to be faithful in what we do but most importantly to Jesus. We can do this with His help. We may be like Peter and say Lord I will never leave you, but we all know Peter did leave Jesus even though the circumstances would not have made any of us make a better decision. We need to endure until Jesus comes back, but when is He coming back? When He does He could tell us well done and we could be in charge of ten cities because of the faithfulness we have shown with the little we have now. I think this is literal. Let’s look forward to a big reward.


Jesus could wait longer. No one knows the day or the hour and even in a few parables Jesus gave examples that He tarried or waited to come back. If the master, God, doesn’t come back for another ten years or more we have to trust God and stick with him. Jesus promised that when we build our house on the rock we won’t be blown down when the storm hits. God bless you

Free from Sin

If you still sin, there is a problem. You have to know God by knowing the difference between right and wrong and then doing what is right. God wants to set us free from sin in this life before we go to Heaven. This means confessing your sins that God will forgive you. Jesus said to be perfect just as our Heavenly Father is perfect. If your really struggling with a sin, ask God, “how do I overcome this sin? Will you help me?” Literally ask God that and He will. I am getting closer to not seeing. This last big sin I did was about 6 months ago. I got free from that by telling someone I did it, and confessing it. Get into your Bible daily and hide it in your heart. God has a plan for you.

Don't Envy The Wicked

Once we become Christians we represent Jesus. Yes Jesus did have sinners around Him, but He didn’t do what they did. God says that we are to come out from among them and be separate. The wicked get their reward in this life, but God wants us to wait for our reward. Yes God can give us a abundant life here, but we are not to be like the wicked. God says to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and God will give us the things we need. To seek first the kingdom is seek Jesus and His life, seek things of church and become more like God. May you know what you have in Christ, and realize that Gods people are blessed and not the wicked. Turn from Wickedness today.


1 John 3:6 NKJV

[6] Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.

The Bible is clear, we have to keep seeking and doing what Christ said to be set free. We are to turn away from evil and do good. If you find yourself in sin, realize that the reason Jesus appeared was to take away our sins. There are things you need to do in order to be set free. One of those things is confessing you have sinned. Don’t stay in denial, but bring your sin to the light. God has a plan for your life and one of those plans is that you are blameless. Blameless means to be free from sin. All things are possible with God. Take sin seriously and tell someone.