We Live By Faith not by sight

If your situation is bad right now remember we have to live by faith. We put faith in our God that He will work everything out for your good. But we have to do our part and change what we need to change in our life if what your going through was caused by sin. Not every bad problem is because of sin, but overall we know that God loves us. I think it’s so easy to get mad at God when things go wrong. But remember how God is so good. There is no darkness in Him. He cares so much about you. Jesus came to earth just to heal us. But when the situation doesn’t look good, don’t get bitter and become defiled. Be patient and have faith in God. He loves us so much and wants what is best for you and me.

I have seen in my own life how a situation turned around for good. I was looking at a bad situation that would have changed my life in a negative way, but God delivered me. It didn’t happen overnight though. Sometimes God allows something to happen to work it for our good and we may gain character or patience and patience works hope. Keep speaking well about God in your heart and with your mouth. Exalt God as a great creator. The righteous cry for help and the Lord delivers them out of all their trouble. God bless you.