Your House Is Going To Be Strong

As you do what Jesus says, your house, or your life, is going to be strong. Specifically it is being built on a strong foundation. As in Matthew 7:24 we read that if we do what God is telling us to do, it will be like a house being built on a rock. When the floods came, the water rose and the winds beat on that house but it was built on a rock and did not fall. We also have to be patient for the things we want in life. Sometimes God is using a storm so He can build our character but also to test to see if our faith is genuine.

You may be a christian today but will you be tomorrow when life is hard. Today your resisting sin but what about when your fed up and just want to keep drinking alcohol or you just want to tell that person what you really think. These are examples to say that God wants us to be strong and be with Him through it all because He really is real and He made us to be loved and do life with Him.

We all have dark days, but make God your hope and continue to do what He says.