How To Get Free From porn? 7 Steps

  1. Believe That watching Porn Is Sinful and WrOng

    No one ever willingly walks into extreme danger, it kinda just happens. I didn’t find freedom from a particular sin until I actually knew it was wrong. Until I went to my asked someone I trust if what I was doing was wrong, and they told me yes, then I began to work on not doing it. Now, stopping the sin didn’t actually happen overnight, but it did stop. Go to the Bible and look for yourself, Jesus says if you lust for someone that’s not your spouse, you have sinned. Now Jesus wouldn’t condemn you, but He would say go and sin no more. You have the power, just believe.

  2. confess to someone you trust

The Bible says that when we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So, we need to tell someone, like you have been caught. Now confessing to God is good, but bring someone you trust into that is not struggling with porn themselves, and confess, like a pastor. The Bible says confess your sins one to another.


really pray. tell God your struggling with porn and you want to quit. There is a God in heaven named Jesus who cares about what your going through. Open your mouth and pray by talking. Let God know you want to be free of this addiction. The Bible says in all our ways acknowledge God and He will direct your path. Ask God, do you want me looking at porn? Does this please you!? You know the answer is no, but the point is acknowledging God is there

4.Repeat The Quit process

I didn’t get free in one day, it took a battle to really stop. I actually saw myself in addiction and struggling, and I am telling you exactly what I did. I told people what I was going through, I talk to a counselor, and I quit alcohol which brings up another step

5. Quit Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol reduces your judgement and your ability to use self control. If you don’t believe drinking alcohol is affecting your porn problem then your lying to yourself. Quit alcohol and gain your self control back

6. Hide God’s Word in Your heArt

You need to get the Bible into your brain. Know your bible because it is alive and really words from God. Listen to an audio bible on YouTube if you don’t like reading. Read if you want to, but know all of the Bible, medicate your brain with comforting words from the Bible. But like the Bible says, it’s only comforting to those who do what’s right.

7. Abide in jesus teaching

Do what Jesus says. He teaches to treat others how we want to be treated. Jesus teaches to forgive and not condemn. He says that if you abide in his teaching or continue in His teaching that you will be set free from sin (John 8). If you truly become a Christian by practicing what Jesus says do, you will be set free. Real transformation comes from changing how you think about living life and treating other people. If you love God you will try to change. And by trying your gonna see a victory by continuing to try to live out Jesus’ teaching