The Bible addresses human struggles with sin extensively, offering hope, practical advice, and spiritual solutions to those caught in cycles of repeated sin. Jesus’ teachings, along with the broader counsel of Scripture, provide insight into breaking free from sin and living in alignment with God’s will.


know you can overcome it

Know that you can overcome repeat sins. It just takes dedication to following Jesus and following his teaching. Jesus said that if we know the truth, the truth will set us free and that's a promise from Jesus that we can count on. Sin wants to make you think that it is greater than God, but you have to realize that if you want to be set free, there is a way to be set free and that is through Jesus Christ.

you like the sin so give in

One of the things that you realize is that you may like a certain sin that you're doing, but realize that God's ways are greater and better than our ways and understanding that he punishes sin through the lake of fire and everyone has an eternal spirit, your eternal spirit when you die will either go to heaven or hell and so remember these things when you like the sin that you're doing and you sometimes wonder if it's really worth it to stop because you wonder if I like something why shouldn't I have it but Jesus said to deny yourself and take up your Cross and follow him so this is a requirement for eternal life. If you want eternal life, you have to learn to not like your sin. Point blank, no questions asked.

Will You Go To Heaven if you repeatedly sin?

I believe that God looks at your heart and if you’re walking honestly with him, and if you’re fearing God and keeping his commandments, or are your heart and actions turn towards evil unrepentantly. Only God can judge whether you will go to heaven or not, but the scriptures are clear if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be saved, and whoever believes in his baptized will be saved now I do believe that belief has to do with repentance, but we should understand that if you’re honestly walking with God, you’re not going to want to send and you’re not gonna me living a lifestyle of sin in certain things are just forbidden. Jesus won’t fail you

bad theology leads to sin

Bad theology is I think a contributor to why you may be repeat sinning. This could be from listening to teaching that tells you that Christ is OK with your sin or listening to teaching that tells you that he forgives you so just do it and there's no consequence and there's a whole list of other bad theology and teaching . if you think that you cannot overcome a sin because you heard a pastor or teaching tell you that and it sounded really good then that could really lead you astray. Listening to the book of first John, I think helps understand the place of sin in a Christian's life. You should not be practicing it and you should be free and blameless where the devil cannot blame you of anything and that's our goal. Hey, we may miss the mark sometimes, but our goals should be to repent and live a life of freedom because I'm one saved always saved type of person, but I'm also a person that believes God may punish us if we do not fight the fight of overcoming our sin. The person that believes God may punish us if we do not fight the fight of overcoming our sin you know and blatantly just choosing to sin every single day and not fight, it could be sign that you're on a bad path and I don't wanna pronounce judgment on anyone reading this, but realize if you want to be a Christian you have to live like Jesus and suffer like Jesus and that means suffering by resistance and suffering, the pain of not giving into sin.