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sex addiction




Overcoming Alcohol

Don't drink alcohol at all. Scripture can be somewhat confusing if you come accross this issue. There are many scriptures that support not drinking alcohol. If you need a reason to stop, we can look at those reasons. We will also discuss some practical ways how to stop.


Get married. Period. But start making efforts to stop any sexual activity outside of marriage, including but not limited to masturbation. God is watching you, and you have to ask yourself, is He really happy with what He is seeing. Will He say, this is how I designed life to work? We have to listen to our conscience, that uneasy feeling we get when we do something or are thinking about doing something. God doesn't want us perverting our mind by watching porn, looking at pictures of naked or half naked people, or looking at pictures of friends or people we think are attractive. We have to hate evil and one of those evils is sex outside of the confines of marriage between a Man and Woman.



It's a sin to argue. It really is. When we fight with people or our spouse it's a big no or red flag that your still under the control of the evil one. It's hard but true. Jesus said the way is difficut and this is what makes it difficutlt. Understanding that these issues which seem small are actually big no no's. We should always be calm and collected individuals. This doesn't mean we have to agree with everyone, but arguing is not how to disagree. We disagree with someone while still being respectful and loving. We should not be letting our anger get the best of us. Start reading books, taking classes, or just getting to the root of why your arguing with that person. For me, I was upset about situations in my life and it was causing harm. We have to trust Jesus to take away our sins, and we also have to come to a realization that what we plan to do or have done, or are doing is sinful. When I get conscious that something is sin, it is easier for me to avoid.


Dealing with pain is tough. Get to a professional immediately. Share your heart with God. Tell Him what your pain is. Maybe you just haven’t seen how God can move the pain away. Then, talk with a Pastor, talk with a doctor, and talk to a counselor/therapist. These professionals can help deal with the things that are underlying the problem. Lay your burdens at the feet of Jesus. Talk about the secret things you have been through, tell him why you made a mistake, tell Him what’s really going on. You may need to stop doing some bad habit that is keeping you from progress. You need to talk to God and ask him to take away the pain.


You feel hurt. You feel like there is nothing to live for. Right now you have nothing to lose. Lift up your voice and tell Jesus what is in your heart. Tell him why you feel hurt. Tell Jesus what is on your mind about suicide. One person who committed suicide in the Bible was Judas after He sinned. I am telling you there is just about no sin that the Lord says He will not forgive. The only thing that Jesus says will not be forgiven is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Even then I would not give up. God desires all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of Him. Do not do it. Do not kill yourself. Quit a job if you have to. Take a break from something that is getting you down. Go on vacation, a long vacation. Stop drinking alcohol and let God make something of your life when you have exhausted all options. Watch good, fun, and wholesome movies like Faith based movies. Read Bible scriptures like “Oh that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep my commandments that it might be well with them and their children forever,” (Deuteronomy 5:29). Maybe you feel like your life is not going well. Start focusing on the commandments of the New testament and doing them. God wants us to be patient and realize a brighter day is coming for you if you ask God for good things like the Gospels tells us to.


This can be tied in with sex but let’s try to discover more. Lust is a strong desire for something. We should all look to have a strong desire for God’s word, but we do not want to overlook the deception of lust. Lust makes you think you need to have this new thing, that your life isn’t great until you have that one thing. It is a fire that burns out of control within you that you can’t get free until you come to Christ. Again, I believe with Lust you have to recognize what the sin is. It very well could be porn, or looking at someone with lustful intent. SO what do we do to overcome. I believe we need to get free by relying on Jesus to take away our sin. Confess that you have been lusting or looking at porn, then start taking steps to break free. Start going to bible study at church, start reading your bible seriously with way more time, spend your free time meditating and studying Gods word and Christian books. Read books or listen to books of the bible that you have not heard of before. Fear God, realize that God can discipline you and make life hard. Knowing this should make you have a reverence for God to listen and obey. When that woman or guy walks in with a short skirt or tight tshirt, don’t get a good look at their body, look them in the eyes and don’t try to take second looks at them when they walk by. Yes, there are people that are attractive, but we have to take a stand and not look with lust but look at them as a friend or brother or sister in Christ. Talk to God about it. We can see change if we do not give up. Research this topic further. Search Allen Parr on Youtube for this topic.

Other Addictions

Take it seriously and get help by talking to a doctor, a counselor, or a trusted pastor. You may be addicted to pain pills, marijuana, cocaine, or something as simple as your phone or maybe even porn. Whatever it is, start getting knowledge about it. Read christian books about sin and addictions. We have the bible, but sometimes we need people to explain the bible to us so we can fully understand what God wants us to do. I have seen people twist scripture so they can live like the world in sin. This is not Gods best. Don’t twist Jesus to compliment your sinful lifestyle. God can and will change you, if you sincerely ask Him. Pray to Him today.