A Monthly Membership the Homeless

What if we could make it easier to be homeless. What if there was van that offered mobile wash stations and clothing and food that periodically visits the homeless throughout the day. A place where you can sleep on a Mat and warm place when you please and get supplies for your outdoor living.



picture A

who we are helping

Not all the homeless are stable but the willing could lead the way to those who are more stubborn towards outside help.

There are homeless who are not in the right state of mind to offer or give direction to. There are homeless who are destructive, and there are homeless who are willing to get help. Just like people with a home, there are differnt types of people. I believe we can meet the homeless where they are, on the streets, and offer a better visual aid and service to go along with them. We Are calling this, the Homeless District.

Using Picture “A” as An Example

  1. Address their appearance: We need to offer a cleanable uniform or a variety of similar clothes that the homeless can wear and have cleaned by a service.

  2. Offering a online profile to let them tell their story with an easily memorable number. As the picture suggest, this person has something to say

  3. offering a place of warmth. To gather warmth we need a slightly enclosed space and nice outdoor heaters that offer a gathering area for the homeless with plenty of seating with an ergonomic design that offers a place to sleep.

LIke The Amazon Spheres


Trash Collection

I just read an article saying that the city near me would start a trash collection service for the local homeless. I believe this is just what the city of Seattle needs and more cities. Homeless people are notorious for having trash around them. If there was a service that cleans up the homeless are twice a week would be awesome because this would open the door to a cleaner and safer presence for the homeless.

A Mobile Doctor and Personal Care Service

Having a mobile doctor and mobile shower service would open the door for people to get clean and live healthy while living outdoors. This service would meet the homeless where they are and give them a way to be healthy.

A Pay Card

Instead of giving the homeless cash, what if we could load money onto a personal debit card that each individual homeless person has. When given a card and number, they could give out their track number for people to donate to their account any money they feel they want to give.

Indoor Homeless Garden

Addressing the Seattle Homeless could be tricky but not impossible to solve. Mobile PSYCHOLOGIST and counselors will help, but also we need to meet the homeless in the street where they are to take on this problem head on. What is meant by this is building around where they are, bringing 1st world technology and innovation to their second world problem area like open well system for water, heated warm sleeping areas, outdoor bathroom facilities, and endorsed clothing for help. Telling people, we see them, and we care just like you do.

Create More Jobs

Having A place like a gym memberships where people, homeless, can check in and make Jewelry like string beading to sell. Also, jobs that people go around the city everyday to check on the homeless

Places For Food

We would offer vending machines with meal replacement type foods for the homeless on the street

A Wash Service

A service that exchanges new same looking clothes for the old ones that almost are similar to a uniform. Also a service that washes the clothes of people on the street and gives them clothes.

An Online Presence

For those asking for money, having a number that is highly visible and a card that holds money where someone driving by or walking by could see the number and transfer money to their card in their spare time.


A Online Presence

Almost like a Facebook for the homeless without the social messaging. A platform that allows the homeless to get donations and help from people anywhere, and to tell their story. The homeless can create a profile and let others know their problem and what they need for help. People can reach out to them and get help.

A Next Level Facility

A high rise apartment building and even home community for the homeless that want to transfer out of the smaller homeless shelters for good behavior.