Rewards for Overcoming:
In Revelation chapters 2 and 3, Jesus makes promises to those who overcome, encouraging believers to remain faithful despite trials. To the one who overcomes, He promises:
1. Access to the Tree of Life (Revelation 2:7) – For those who conquer, they will be granted eternal life in the paradise of God.
2. The Hidden Manna and a White Stone (Revelation 2:17) – Those who persevere will receive spiritual nourishment (the hidden manna) and a personal white stone with a new name, signifying a special, intimate relationship with God.
3. Authority Over the Nations (Revelation 2:26-28) – Overcomers will share in Christ’s reign, given authority over nations and the morning star (symbolizing Christ’s glory).
4. Clothing in White Garments (Revelation 3:5) – Those who are victorious will be clothed in purity, their names retained in the Book of Life, and they will be acknowledged before God and His angels.
5. A Pillar in God’s Temple (Revelation 3:12) – The faithful will become pillars in God’s eternal temple, granted His name, the name of the New Jerusalem, and Christ’s new name, symbolizing permanence and belonging.
6. The Right to Sit with Jesus on His Throne (Revelation 3:21) – Overcomers will be invited to share in Christ’s authority and reign, sitting with Him on His throne, as He overcame and sat with the Father.
These rewards reflect both spiritual blessings in the present and eternal glory in the future for those who remain faithful and overcome challenges in their walk with Christ.
Loss of rewards
Don’t Lose Your Rewards
The Bible teaches that while salvation is a free gift from God through faith in Jesus Christ, believers can lose certain rewards based on their actions and faithfulness during their lives on earth. In 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, the Apostle Paul explains that while a believer’s foundation is secure in Christ, their works will be tested by fire. Those who have built with enduring materials (faithful works) will receive rewards, but those who have built with worthless materials (selfish or sinful actions) will suffer loss, though they themselves will still be saved “as through fire.” This highlights that, although salvation is not earned and is secure for all believers (Ephesians 2:8-9), the quality of a believer’s life and works impacts the rewards they receive. These rewards may include crowns, recognition, or greater authority in God’s Kingdom, but those who fail to live in accordance with God’s will may forfeit these blessings, even while retaining their eternal salvation.
“Christians” in Hell
You can’t lose what you never had
I believe a true believer salvation is secure, but I believe there are those that are mixed in within the church that are not true believers that will “lose their salvation“ because they weren’t truly believers to begin with, so I do believe that it will appear as a loss of salvation, but I believe that they were not true believers because Their works the way that they lived they lived lawlessly and unrepentantly that even though they name the name of Christ they were not true believers so I do not believe a true believer can lose their salvation, but I believe there are people within the church like physical building of the church that do not have true salvation. It is not up to us to judge whether we think someone is going to have to go to hell, but if you care about this topic live right and repent if you live wrong and understand that a true believer salvation is secure because a true believer is repentant and not going to continue to sin and die in their sin. A true believer is trying to live right because Jesus said anyone who follows him will not walk in darkness. God bless you!