Don't Procrastinate Your Salvation

We all have times where we are putting off doing something we need to do. But we should not do that with Jesus. Today is the day of salvation. Meaning today we need to turn away from sin. Today we have to choose to read the Bible. Today we have to choose to ask God for help with what we need. Sometimes we may be in situations where we don’t know what to do or how to do it. We need God to help us. I believe we also have to let go of the things that can tangle us which is the cares of this life. It is so easy to want want want more and more, but God says Godliness with contentment is great gain. Yes, you may want romance, or a house, or something else, but God is what we need and He provides all our needs when we become His children. Let’s secure our salvation and truly find and stay on the path of life because few find it. Jesus said He is the way, the truth, and the life. Seek Him and live.