The End is not yet

You know, Jesus said the end will not happen immediately. If your looking for a huge sign to show that the end of the world is here, don’t hold your breath. Jesus gave many indications in scripture that the end is going to look like a fairly normal day. Jesus said people will be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, planting and building until the day the Son of man comes. There is going to be an appearing of Jesus in the sky to take His church to Heaven, but there will also be a second coming of Jesus to the earth to establish His kingdom to reign on Earth for 1000 years. So, what I want to bring out in this article is that there won’t be huge signs that you say, “oh wow, it must be the end of the world.” We have to believe God and come to that conclusion by the Word of God.

The parable of the five wise virgins is a great example of this because the virgins all fell asleep before the fall rang out that the bridegroom is here. Sleep could represent a few things but what I want to bring out is that they all felt as if they could sleep. You only sleep in a quiet and normal environment. You don’t go to sleep in a loud and crazy environment. So, the virgins didn’t have any signs before falling asleep, the call rang out unexpectedly. If I could summarize this article it would be in one word, unexpectedly. So in conclusion, the parable of the five wise virgins shows you need to be wise, ready, and you need to know Jesus. You know God by keeping His commands, you are wise by keeping Jesus’ teachings in the gospels, and you are ready by being blameless or in other words not practicing sin. Turn from Sin today.