Should I Be A Good Person?

Most people think they have to do wrong to get ahead. You may not know it but you have a great opportunity at life to be the best person you can be. Sure, you may not become the richest or most famous or talented, but you may. More importantly it’s important to always treat others with respect and love on your journey. This is done by helping others when you can, apologizing when you have to, and forgiving when needed. You have a chance to leave a little love for the next person.

Should I Work?

Working is not only about making a living, but it’s about contributing to society. Yes, get a job, but your first job doesn’t have to be CEO of a company, although it could, but try to find a job you can enjoy and consistently show up and do a good job. Work so you can pay bills, but also work to add value to your life and others.

How Do I Make Friends?

Start going to different groups pertaining to your interest. Do you like books? Join a book club. Do you like sports? Join a sports club or play sports. You get the idea. Smile and ask about others, show up when your expected to and you’ll do great. Make yourself available to be a friend. Be a be forward by saying hello and exchanging contact information. Text them or even call them regularly to stay connected. Then just hangout and build your relationship

Should I Get Married?

Marriage isn’t for everyone, but you should have a good reason to marry like to share love with someone. But, learn how to successfully marry, because divorce and breaking up does happen. Know how to treat your spouse, and you won’t regret it.

How Do I Become Happy?

Try giving to the poor, try researching how others find happiness. Try letting go of your pain in your past, or what could happen in your future. Read and become smarter.

Should I go to college?

Yes, go to college. Only don’t go if you absolutely can’t afford or figure out financial aid. This website is about wisdom. So learn and keep on learning. Even if you don’t go to college, start learning.

What Do I Do If I Feel Sad?

Your life can and will get better. Talk to a counselor or trusted friend about your problems. Tell others what you think you did wrong to get off your chest your emotions. We can learn by instruction in a particular category. You may benefit from reading a book about sadness or anger or emotional intelligence. Your life is going to get better. Keep trying and don’t give up.