How To Get Free From Sin

The first step is accepting Jesus Christ and believing in Him. This is the reason Jesus died, to set us free from sin and He rose again. The next step is coming to and abiding in the Word of God. John 8:31-32 says that If you abide in my word, you are my disciplines indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. You have to come to the knowledge of the truth. The biggest thing you need to know is that your actions are either right or wrong. You need to realize that your sin is wrong. If you don’t know that your sin is wrong, then you won’t have a desire to change.

When I started to research and discover if my actions were wrong, I started on the journey to become free from sin. I had to come to the knowledge that the Word of God was true and that God knows the right way for His creation to behave. Next, your going to need to confess your sins. Go to a pastor, a parent, or a trusted friend and confess your sins. Tell them what your problem is and this will allow God to heal you from all unrighteousness. Finally you need to pray. It may take awhile to actually get free, but God promises that you will get free IF you continue in his word. Pray and ask God to set you free. Talk to God about your sin. He knows and understands what your going through and wants to and will bring healing to your heart. Get smarter, read books, and get understanding about your particular situation. God never fails and you can count on Him to help you when you just continue to go to Him. He is there.