Keep His Commands

It is so important for us to keep Jesus’s commands. We are no longer under the law. The law cannot bring us to the standard that God requires of us. We can only place our faith in Jesus to fulfill the righteous requirement of the law. What commands do we keep? We keep the New Testament commands and admonishments that are given throughout. Jesus told us things in the gospel for us to do like forgive or don’t judge and so on.

Don’t Sin

We should not continue in sin. God has freed us from the curse of the law so that we may be found in Jesus. God’s grace is for us to put to death the deeds of the flesh by the spirit of God. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. We have to continue in the Word of God to be set free. Keep reading or listening to your audio bible. Keep practicing what the Bible says by confessing your sins and we will be set free. God bless you on your journey with Christ. Let’s remember to build our life on the rock of Christ and we will remain standing.