Get Help

Don’t wait until it is too late to get help about an issue that is bothering you. So many times we can not get help right away when we need it. We need to be able to accept correction when we hear people telling us what they don’t like about our behavior. God is looking to change us, but remember that He may rebuke and chastise us as we read in Revelation 3:19, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.” Chasten means to discipline us or to cause misfortune. There may be times when Jesus allows something unfortunate in our life to change our heart and behavior. God wants to free us from sin, and He does when we continue in His word. Don’t wait until Sunday to hear from God. Listen to God’s word everyday. Don’t wait to forgive someone, but learn to practice what the Bible is preaching. We need to get wisdom to navigate life’s challenges. If your marriage is in need of repair, get marriage books but also ask God to help you, and ask professionals for advice. Marriage is just an example to say that with any problem search for an answer, and when there is no answer, search for what to do with no answer. Don’t wait, call on the name of the Lord today.