The Sign of The Return of Jesus from Luke 21: 25-28

The Rapture is not immediate and I am going to show you that something needs to take place as we look forward to the rapture. Nothing prophetically may not happen other that what I am going to show you and that is found in Luke 21. In Luke 21 Jesus gives us a look into the future. He is talking about the time that He is on earth all the way to present day and past our present day. Starting in verse 8 Jesus says don’t let anyone lead you astray telling you that the time has come or that they are the messiah. This is so important today because we cannot say the rapture can happen anytime because of what He says in verses 25-28. But before we talk about that I will show you Jesus says don’t panic when you hear of wars and rumors of wars. There will be earthquakes and signs in heaven, but these are all not the end yet. So don’t let anyone mislead you when they are saying that a blood moon or eclipse is a sign of the complete end. It is a sign of the end but not the immediate end, and what i am sharing with you in this article is not the signs of the complete end like the tribulation and the millennium kingdom, but the sign of the rapture or as Luke puts it, “The Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory.”Jesus then goes on a tangent and tells the disciples that they are going to be betrayed by family friends and relatives and put on trial and persecuted and everyone will hate them.

Then Jesus picks up on the timeline again and starts to talk about the future. He says when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies you know that desolation is near. He talks about how Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD. He says how Jews were killed by the sword and taken captive into all the nations. Jesus then gives another check mark on the timeline of when things have taken place and He says that Jerusalem will be trodden underfoot by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles comes in. A Gentile is anyone not Jewish. This time was until 1948 when Israel became a nation and the time of the Gentiles ended. Now we know where we are in relation to us in present day 2021.

Finally I want to talk about verses 25-28 of Luke 21. These are the signs of the rapture. Jesus says that there will be STRANGE signs in the sun, moon, and stars. STOP right here. The rapture will be drawing closer when we start to see strange signs. Not normal signs like an eclipse or blood moon. but Strange signs. This is believed to happen but not yet completely. Let’s continue, Verse 26 says people will be TERRIFIED at what is coming on the earth, not by lawlessness, or murders or evil, but by the powers of the heavens being shaken. We can also note that nations, full blown nations will be in turmoil and perplexed by roaring seas and strange tides. I believe this is happening now. You can see videos on Youtube about flooding happening in different parts of the world in different nations and Tsunamis. The strange tides and roaring seas are happening now is what I mean. I believe there is only one sign left, people being terrified at what they see coming upon the earth. So We are going to see something coming upon the earth before the rapture. Then Jesus says we will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud. So when we see all these things we lift up our head because our redemption draws near.