WHat Does it mean to treat others how you want to be treated?

I believe if a judgement were to come up where you had to go to jail would you want mercy to be shown to you? If someone were to take your stuff wouldn’t you want it back? I believe we have to realize the answer to that question before we get to the scenario. We should always be kind to one another. Being nice may seem weaker than being evil, but we have to realize who is really in charge. The righteous God has put Jesus Christ in charge of the entire universe both heaven and earth. So we are really trying to please the Lord when we make a decision.
When God said to treat others how we want to be treated He was serious and talking about how we sometimes tend to treat people poorly but expect others to treat us well. Just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you should be treated better than a poor person. Love does no harm to a neighbor. And when Jesus gave the parable of the man who fell into the hands of robbers, the man was helped by his enemy rather than his own people. We should keep in mind how we want God to treat us if we were in the shoes of another person. God bless you

Why I Believe A Christian Shouldn't Drink Alcohol?

Why Should A Christian not drink? It is because the Bible requires us to be sober. 1 Peter 4:7 says, “The end of all things is at hand: therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.” This is really eye opening because “the end of all things is near,” and so we are told basically to keep our head on straight. We need to be found by God in peace and when God comes back we do not need to be “eating and drinking with the drunkards,”(Matthew 24:49). God wants us to separate from the worldly people who are only living for this life.

Alcohol is addictive and even though you find alcohol mentioned in the Bible, it is mostly used as a metaphor to show certain points and not direct us to drink. Alcohol is highly addictive and usually one drink leads to more drinks and when your drinking more and more, you have reason to be drunk. Drunkenness is definitely condemned by God, but I would go on to say that we have to really be careful with alcohol and the idea of “I’m not yet drunk but its okay to drink more.” Your really playing with fire.

If you have had more than one bad experience with alcohol then I would say you should quit now. Alcohol brings destruction into your life and it is very subtle. I believe it also makes your judgement very poor and you start to do things you would not normally do and the things you start doing are going to be in bad judgement.

The last reason is that Alcohol makes you try to escape problems in your life and you start to become dependent on the alcohol to escape real life issues. Now alcohol may not be a full on sin but I believe your really playing with fire and you need to really evaluate why your drinking and if your getting drunk or don’t know the difference, or if you believe drinking is wrong then it is a sin for you.

7 Steps on How To Not Commit Adultery

  1. Realize your attracted to the opposite sex: Get honest about the emotions that are going on inside you and realize that you could commit adultery if you do not prepare. God says that to even look at the opposite sex with intentions of sleeping with them is adultery in your heart. So it starts with the emotions you feel. Do you think of jumping someone’s bones every time you see a man or woman wearing something seductive? This is a big sign. So pray and tell God what your doing and take those emotions seriously. Talk to yourself and say no I cannot do that because it could mean spending eternity in hell. Take it that seriously. Don’t text the opposite sex, don’t go to outings or parks together as “Friends,” don’t even play with fire. God is not playing, why should we?

  2. Be Separate from the world: Yes, you cannot watch the same movies as your unbelieving neighbor. Music and movies and books and website that show sex or half naked people are just fuel to the fire raging inside. God told Cain that sin waits at the door for him. So don’t go near that door. Stay away from bad worldly music. Stay away from habits that can cause you to turn away from the life God has for you. Yes, reading Godly books, listening to Godly music and being honest about the real struggle of life is the first steps.

  3. Get smart about married life: Read marriage books, listen to sermons on marriage on Youtube, go to seminars, and learn about how to be strong in marriage. God said in Hosea that His people parish for a lack of knowledge. Get wisdom, read how to articles like this one

  4. Plan Ahead: Like we said before don’t let your guard down about the opposite sex. Don’t buy condoms just in case. Don’’t text guys or girls just in case. NO, realize that if I tell my husband I am going to the store, then go there. Be trust worthy, and don’t lie to yourself about how you are doing. Don’t drink alcohol with friends and then talk to a woman or guy one on one. Stop going to parties as a single person, stop going to worldly parties. Take the Christian life seriously and realize that there is a God and He rewards those that diligently seek him

  5. Pray: Pray and tell God your struggling with thoughts about the opposite sex. God wants to see us succeed and we can by opening our mouth and calling on the name of the Lord, and we will be saved. Tell God and acknowledge Him about a decision you are about to make. Pray about everything.

  6. Confess: If you have gone too far in any way, Confess today to both God but also a trusted person. David didn’t think He did anything wrong until He was confronted by Nathan the prophet and was told by God that what God saw Him do was wrong. But it took David awhile before He actually admitted that his behavior was not up to par.

  7. Love and forgive. Don’t expect evil from your spouse, but love them. Actually care about your spouse and try to see things from their perspective. Love God and you will love other Christians. Why you could be mad at your spouse could really be a spiritual problem and your really fighting our mortal enemy Satan. You have to put on the whole armor of God and study the Bible to show yourself approved. To be saved, simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and by really following and putting in efforts towards the life Jesus wants you to live, you will be saved.

Do You Believe Jesus Is Coming Back Very Very Soon?

Well, Yes I do, but it may not be tomorrow. I believe the AntiChrist has to show up first and then Jesus destroys Him by the breath of his coming which is found in 1 and 2 Thessalonians. I believe one of the important things to do is to become a better Christian. We have to go from being Carnal to being spirit lead Christians. How well do you know your bible? I believe if you do not have time to read your Bible you should listen to audio-bibles on YouTube or buy a wonder Bible from Walmart or Amazon. We should be Christians that rightly divide the word of truth and provide a space for the spirit of the Lord to draw near to us. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. God made this beautiful place for us to be Holy, Pure, and Perfect. We have to decide today what type of Christian we are going to be. We can be a better Christian by telling and asking the Lord Jesus to make you a better Christian. Ask the Lord Jesus to make you a better Christian today. Literally open your mouth and tell him. He will answer. God bless you

How To Stop Looking At Porn

The first thing I would do is talk to God and ask him, even though you know the answer, God do you want me to look at porn? Then take a secular class on breaking free of a porn addiction. Throw away your phone and buy a new one. The pain of that may spark you to breaking the habit. But without Jesus you can do nothing. SO what do we do?

We first need to know that where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. God has a plan to break us free of sins hold while still on earth. But ask yourself, do you really like looking at porn a little but just know it is wrong. That could be you. I can tell you that God saved me from looking at Porn and it was by starting to study Gods commandments and do them, you know, treating others how they want to be treated and so on. Even though I fell short a few times, eventually I was successful. I believe there is nothing that God cannot deliver us from. BUT you have got to really want it. Jesus cares so much about us. Willingly He went through pain so we may escape our pain. Tell him you are dealing with Porn then tell another Christian your looking or have looked at Porn. Tell them and this is what the Lord promises. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The Lord could come back any time. Let’s be ready

It Hurts, But I'll Get Through it

There are promises from God. I realize that I didn’t do everything right, and so now I’m here in this predicament. Sorry. Hurt. and Confused. How did I get here? How did it get this bad? I wake up everyday to go to the feet of the one who can help. Jesus. No, don’t blame Him for where you are. No, don’t blame Him. He offers healing for a broken heart. He offers a home with him. Put on praise music, Listen to what others are going through. Realize that God cares about. Tell him your hurting one more time. Tell him your heart hurts with almost a physical pain. Then trust Him to bring change. The father doesn’t want it to be this way, but how do we know? We trust that because He will bring change to the world in the future, He doesn’t agree with the pain happening right now. Trust God one more time. and one more time after that. Hope in him.

How To Change The World

Okay, so the simple answer is Jesus. Only Jesus has the power and ability to change the world, but we can do our part. We as individuals need to respect each other, and respect differing opinions. Of course, I believe the true reason we are not changing as a collective group is because individually we have sin and problems that prevent us from changing. Think about it, the Tower of Babel in the Bible was prevented back then but now today we have buildings twice as high, probably. What’s the difference? I believe since Jesus has died, it opened the door to greater and higher integrity within people. Don’t get me wrong, life today is no walk in the park, and we will see God change the world again, but change happens by the one factor that doesn’t change, God.

Whether you like it or not God is here to stay and we have to get onboard with the fact that He is in charge of everything and he will let us run things, only when He sees we are truly free from our sin, the sin that prevents us from running things right today.

thank you

How To Solve Anxiety? Secret Sin, A Different Perspective

I had to confess my sins. It might be impractical and you may be like job from the Bible, but I was dealing with Anxiety and I had to confess what I knew I did that was wrong. Have you not forgiven someone? Have you been fighting with someone? Are you obeying the laws of the land? You may not have sinned. But for me, When I had a breakdown in my health and my mental health, it was from not confessed and dealt with sin. Consider this, there are a lot of articles out there, and I recommend reading them on Christian Advice on anxiety.

See A Victory

Start living right and believe you will see a victory in your situation.

Should I work During the COVID19 Pandemic?


I believe we should try working from home and staying safe, but obviously if you have a family and your home depends on your job, then maybe you should live with family for awhile. It’s not easy to say you should work. I honestly believe God will provide for His people, but what do you think? If someone you knew asked you if they should try to find a job during the pandemic what would you tell them? My short answer is no, you shouldn’t, but my second response is also yes, you should work, but in a different way and something that is safe. God wants his people to work, but sometimes there are situations where it’s not a simple answer. I believe if you don’t work, its not like your no longer a Christian, but I believe we have to provide for our family. That could mean working to find shelter like applying for housing or moving your family in with your parents, but if this Pandemic is that bad, you should think twice before exposing yourself and your family. With prayer and acknowledging God, God will make it clear what we should do, but I believe the scripture that says if you don’t provide for your family you shouldn’t eat means that if you aren’t doing anything to help your family, like applying for food stamps, or living with relatives, or going to the goodwill to give them clothes, if you aren’t doing or making ANY efforts to provide, then that makes that person worse than an unbeliever. IF THE ANSWER COMES DOWN TO IF I DON’T HAVE THIS JOB MY FAMILY WILL BE ON THE STREET, THEN YOU SHOULD KEEP THE JOB and take precaution like washing your hands more than normal and wearing a mask more than normal. My brother got a job in the airport during the pandemic and do I think it was the right choice, yes, but He has to take precaution. Gratefully my family is with family members which, is a bit inconvenient, but it’s a roof over our head.

Feeling Lazy

Today I feel unproductive. It’s like all I can do is lay on my bed. Have you ever felt that way? I feel guilty but I also realize I’m doing a lot of smaller things that fill my day. I don’t want to be lazy, but sometimes it’s hard to find things to do when your stuck in your house all day.

Mastering Sin

Master Sin, just like mastering a skill such as horseback riding

To Master sin, first we need to know our Word and ask Jesus over and over again to Master Sin. But we can’t give up when we run into a mistake on our part. Jesus gave His life for us to be free from sin. Are you really obeying His teaching which He said would set you free? We have to realize that God wants us to radically change our life by not hanging out with those same friends, quitting to drink that alcohol, talk to someone about our pain, stop looking at the wrong things on the internet and so much more. I found so much freedom in my life when I realized that what I was doing was not acceptable to God. As we continue on our journey let’s really learn what sin is, and more importantly what actions are actually sin. Then of course we don’t need to quit our job unless you work somewhere inappropriate, but we need to change the other parts of our life like quitting going to the bar, quit looking for that person to hook up with, and really commit to Jesus by knowing what He said, then doing it. Do you judge? Do you forgive? Examine yourself to see if your really in the faith. Then bear fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and so much more!

God Is Like A Tiger in One Aspect

One of my favorite movies is Life of Pi. In that movie the main character gets lost at sea with a Bengal tiger. Now, obviously God is more sophisticated than a tiger, but He is like one in the sense that we need to keep our sense of respect for His commands and the way that He wants us to live. Let’s continue to make sure God likes how we live and we are right with God, or reconciled to Him.

Choose Your Battle

We do not wrestle with flesh and blood. But against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this against, against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

As we move forward through life, let’s remember that we are not aNgry and upset with people, But there is a bigger battle going on that we can’t see. Let’s keep on the armor of god.


All sin is lawlessness. Let’s join with the Holy Spirit and find freedom. Ask the Lord today for freedom from sin because Jesus came to take away our sins. Come to the truth today.

God Will Protect The Righteous

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The last days are going to be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot. God will protect the righteous. We need to make sure we are living right before God. He will help make us right before Him and He will deliver. Let us believe it.

Master The Basics

Have you ever thought that life seems to be about more than just what we see and do, but grasping the more concept is out of reach? Have you ever said, maybe we are meant for more? I know I have heard time and time again people saying that they feel like they are meant for more and I believe it is true. I believe God from His parable about the wise managers, He wants us to be faithful in a little and then we can be faithful in much. So many times we get up, brush or teeth, wash our body, and get ready for the day, but we feel like this is somewhat unnecessary. Well, Jesus wants us to take care of the little things, do well with what we have, and then He can give us more. How many times are we getting upset or angry over something small, and then wonder why life is not paying off. We need to rise above our human nature and live like Jesus and be like Jesus!

A Place To Go

it would be so good to have a place to go when you have no place to go or nothing to do. Not necessarily a homeless shelter but something like the next level up from that. A place where you can hop on the internet at no charge, have a place to sit and rest, even a place to sleep and watch TV. A place like a house you would go home to but open for the public. Why? Because many people are searching for something. Seeking but not knowing where to go. This search can happen during the day or at night. The place I’m talking about would be a oasis in the middle of the desert of solitude and searching. Wouldn’t you love a place like that?

Merry Christmas

This year may not have been good for you or it may have not been that bad. Whatever it is you have to believe something good is coming your way. We are looking forward to the return of Jesus, the New Jerusalem, and eternity without pain or sorrow or suffering. There are good things to look forward to and we need to keep that in mind. I hope that as you continue remember that what is coming is going to be worth it. God is good and when we obey Him He takes care of us.

A Challenge

God gives us all a challenge to overcome. With the right perspective it can seem beautiful but not in the moment. I think God is up to something amazing, and if we give Him the chance He can turn our life into a beautiful story. Let’s continue to give God the chance to change our life.