
I make these post out of pondering my path and trying to correct my wrongs. We have all sinned, but sometimes it is not clear why we are sinning and how to overcome them. This is clear in the life of Jesus. Since he is the creator, He took our sins on himself to pay the ransom for creation. We have to continue changing and loving.

Clean Up Our SecRet Life

We have to make sure our secret life, the things we do in the dark our seen as good before God when Jesus arrives. Or at least ask us. His eyes know when their is evil.

God Bless You!!

PErsonal Journal

Life has a process, but combining knowledge with the Bible, we can overcome the troubles we face through technology and innovation.

God's Good Promises

God is promising through scriptures all throughout the Bible that He wants to do us good and help us do good and not cause any pain to others spiritually and physically. God said in the time of Moses that we need to respect God. Even when Jesus walked the earth physically He said a similar thing. SO today, we as a population must be learning and doing this much more better. I do wonder how our progress is as the human population grows and time goes on, how well we are doing at fearing God.

The purpose of this is to build a great community where people can have fun, love God, and just enjoy each other through Jesus. Let’s keep hoping and learning how to love creatively and how God see’s fit.

God Bless You Subscribers!!

Be Holy

God is Holy and can be trusted. 😊



God is love. Well, that’s easy to remember, but to be intentional about how to love is a whole nother subject. Let’s look at some bible verses about love so both you and I can learn.

Let all that you do be done in love. - 1 Corinthians 16:14

Okay so we never want to despise someone or attribute thoughts to them that they are not thinking. We do not know what someone is thinking or really there intentions, we have to focus on how WE or you are loving. I have heard Lisa Turkhersh, a best-selling author say that we cannot think someone is trying to harm us before we even really meet them. I saw a video on TV the other day and it spoke to me how sometimes people think other people are out to get them before they have even talked to that person. We need to not attribute harm to someone else, and give new people and old people in our lives a chance by showing them love. More Below….

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. - Proverbs 10:12

So this verse goes into how we show love. Simply by not hating others. Jesus says to even love our enemies. When Jesus was on the cross, He asked God the Father to forgive the people who put him on the cross because they did not know what they are doing. God said elsewhere that His people perish for a lack of knowledge. This means in 2020, there is literally know excuse for us to not study as much as we can even if we are not in a college, because there are so many people who are sharing knowledge over the internet, Youtube and more. Hatred means doing harm to anybody in your life. God is the one who punishes people. We cannot take this role ourselves. If God wanted Jesus to be crucified on the cross, we should have let The Father do it himself, no disrespect to God, but we should never be in a position to harm others. Let pestilence, earthquake, or some act of God happen but it should not be by our hand.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

The Choice

The choice we have to do good is everything to loving God in my recent discovery from reading the article from about Why God put the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden with Adam and Eve. The real reason is that we all have to choose to obey and love God. Adam and Eve were apparently like robots before God mentioned to them about having to choose to eat a tree or not. At the core, it is God saying we can’t have something when He has giving us everything. This is a classic from our personality as a Human, we always want want want, and it seems like God gave them a gift of self-control or even the idea of sharing from a not so obvious viewpoint.

We all have to really decide to serve God and not die. Think about it, everyday God is reaching out to people to make the choice to choose life. Wow. Okay, I am definitely interested in discovering why God did what He did. See, even the answer I have about the Tree of Good and Evil needs more work. So, fast forward. I choose life. What happened back then is important, but we all know by now, the right choice is to choose, life. WOW!

What we can learn from noah

Noah was righteous. I personally can learn off the bat to stay away from alcohol. It seems to as with other things, tempt people when they are least expectant of it. Noah was the only one on earth with his family. So we need to ask God for perfection inwardly and outwardly meaning in the world around us and with other people.
Jesus Bless You.

When Facing The Enemy

We are called to do good. I find myself thinking negatively sometimes. I can get overwhelmed by problems I have caused or others have caused. I am tempted to blame, but this whole world is fallen. I am looking to escape into the New Jerusalem. I need to reconcile my past and stay hopeful. God won't let me down.

We Need To Try Harder

God wants us to want to be with Him. And He made many things that prove He is worthy of our affection. He himself is amazing. Jesus can give us more energy to get to know Him, Let’s continue to ask. In all work there is profit, so let’s ask Him to Show Us Who He Is!!

Another Challenge For Cheer

We will reap a good harvest is we do not grow weary in doing good. God has wanted us to prove we care about the way He wants us to live since? Well forever people have been. We need to dig our heels deep in the love of God until we need the rest of Jesus. God is a consuming fire. We cannot contend with Him, but we can live with Him and do what He says by choice. I'm 28 this month, but I still feel like I want to improve!



He Can Do It

It's about patience. God can and will make a way!

Test The Heart

This is my wonderful wife

This is my wonderful wife

Wow, God test our hearts. Life can be difficult as Jacob said towards the end of his life. God will always be there to help. He is completely good with no darkness in him at all. So sometimes being in the world, we see and hear evil things. We have to always remember to not make God out to be the bad guy. We can't call God evil. Granted, Jesus said God knows good and evil, but when you think about where the world is heading, where God is taking all Christians, it's really good. Let's try to hold out. We will live!

Keep It Pushing

Thoughts On Anger


We all get angry. Sometimes it’s not that much anger, and sometimes we get really angry, and sometimes the anger grows overtime. First, recognize the situations that make you angry. It is possible that those situations will keep coming back around, or may not leave until you die. So you have to plan ahead. It’s okay to walk away. Maybe if your with another person you would want to say something like, “This is too much, I’m going to take a walk, “ or you can be more direct and say, “I feel angry, I am going to go for a walk.” Depending on who you are talking to, you can use good judgement to just walk away from the situation for awhile to calm down, gather your thoughts, and figure how to address the problem.

Sometimes you may not have an opportunity to walk away, so you should just make yourself calm by prayer, eating something but not overeating, or go on Facebook, search the internet, or just distract yourself with something you like doing, but don’t have to leave to get to. Buy something small on Amazon or something. But the real issue is the heart.

Life is always going to give you pressure in some way. Sometimes it seems overwhelming. When it seems overwhelming, sometimes you have to try to simplify your life in some way. Can you put off something till next year, can you let something go altogether. We can find solutions to a number of problems by not doing things other people do, because we think they are happier or we think if we have that one thing life will be better. Don’t try to gain the world, by going for that even more high paying jobs when you already have enough, don’t try to go after all the girls when you only need one, don’t try to do 10 different hobbies when you can master only 4. You get the idea

Jesus wants us to overcome. Keep praying and asking Jesus to help you not be angry and do that everyday, every two hours set an alarm to pray that prayer, or just when you remember, pray that prayer. Jesus is going to give you what you ask for because it’s not like your asking for money or something that is out of his will. Also, God may be trying to show you, tell you, or change you somehow or with something in your life that you need to change. Think about the future when God comes back, there will be no pain, sorrow, or death. Thinking about that I come to the conclusion that God in the long run is not okay with us going through pain or feeling angry.

Read a book and articles online about anger. Talk to a counselor. Vocalize it, realize that your dealing with anger. Jesus is a healer. God bless you!

Being Hated

The World hates Christians. No matter what you see, Jesus says the world hates us. Now, this is where we have to dig down deep because we are called to love our enemies and love those that hate us. Sometimes it could feel real bad that other people don’t like being around us or despise us. But we are not alone in the way we feel. There are plenty of other Christians both in Heaven and all around the earth who love us, plus God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit loves us. We have to continue to do what is right, even when the wrong thing is happening. I pray that I don’t start acting cold towards people because I think they are going to harm me. Jesus healed and preached to people of all different types. We have to remember to persevere in doing good and treating others well and thinking positive even when in pain on the cross metaphorically speaking. I love that the thief on the cross was so positive, and even defending Jesus when he was condemned to die and in pain. He still asked Jesus for life and did a good deed by defending Jesus.

The world may hate us, and you may get a sense of being threatened by people of the world in not so in your face ways,. but we have to not hate them back. Treat them as well as you would treat the mother you love or Jesus himself, but DON’T go throwing your pearls to pigs. Don’t go overboard with interpreting how to love them. You don’t have to go hangout with them or go party with them because your trying to show them love. Love does no harm to a neighbor. That’s a great start right there. Don’t do any physical harm to them. Don’t hurt them with your words. And even with your own personal thoughts about them that you think about them in secret. Remember God knows if they are no good and how they are treating you. You don’t have to bash them or think evil thoughts about them to make yourself feel better. For now endure hardship, take the pain, and God will make everything right soon. God said honor all people. So think good thoughts about them. Show them love, and first show God love, by treating the people of the world how you want to be treated. And we all know you want to be treated well :)


A Reflection

I am 26 years old and I feel like I have seen a lot. Life here on earth is somewhat difficult. I have sinned a lot up to this point in my life. I have regrets. I have had some dark days so far and some trying times to my inner spirit. One of my biggest prayers or more frequent prayers is God to help how I feel on the inside. Sometimes I feel a real inner physical pain and anguish on the inside and I believe the cause is not just one thing. I have learned that I need Jesus. I need a God who has the answer to my problems. I believe that God, is the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Like many people I believe Jesus is the light in the darkness. I had a thought earlier that even the people of Israel, the Pharisees based their life on God, they knew the scriptures, and governed much of their lives by God’s word, but Jesus said that they weren’t His sheep. Jesus also said that if they believed Moses, they would believe Jesus. So I notice that there is a way of really reading the scriptures, listening to the word of God, and knowing what God calls right and wrong and still not being Jesus’ sheep. So it really prompts the question, am I really saved? Just because I know Jesus’ name, sing praises to Him, and pray to God, am I really going to be in the Kingdom of God? The bible says more than once to conduct our stay here in fear. Why fear? I think It’s because I can fall. I can be living right one day, and the next day doing something wicked. I really need to heed the warning of God and confirm my faith. I think when I come to Jesus I can easily think I am good, I don’t need anything else, or that me and God are good and he forgives me even if I keep on sinning. I need to really understand this is not the way. It is surprising that a lot of the accounts in the Gospels show that people were not really expecting God to come in the flesh which I think means not really believing in God, and not believing that God would do anything if He does exist let alone come to the earth. Unbelief is real and I think it is something that really wants to take hold of me. I need to ask myself do I really believe in Jesus and what He says? He says few make it to life so I think it is easy to think complacently and think I have already arrived. The reality is I am still on earth, I am still here, if I was as good as I think I am sometimes, why is it that God hasn’t brought me to heaven yet. Obviously one answer could be that I have to be patient, but also I think it indicates I am not as good as I could think and that I am not God or in charge. I am at the mercy of God and really wherever I end up, Heaven or Hell, yes it has to do with my decisions and my choices and actions, but also it is in God’s hands. If I am going to be saved it is at the mercy of God. At least this is how I view it. But I really need to strive to enter through the narrow gate. So instead of just putting the ball in God’s court and say God you save and do everything for me, clearly I need to do my part, strive, take the ball in my hands and go for the goal. God may you be my helper forevermore.


Nobody Loves Me Like You Love Me Jesus

God loved Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He made good promises to them. He even wrestled with Jacob. God really loves us because He is able to forgive us. God is able to make perfect children from the start, but He decided to make us perfect through Jesus. Even though we may see the earth as a failure, God is not a failure and He loves us enough to die for us. But God did not stop there, He has given us eternal life and much much better lives to come. The earth is not a failure. For God to command us to love Him, and to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, body, and strength just shows His heart. We can almost understand what God feels like because most people want to be loved. God is truly giving us more than a chance to live because we as humans have all done something deserving of death. But God in His love showed us life itself, Jesus Christ. God will one day save all of Israel. Through the pages of the Bible we know about Israel, but when you are actually seeing the real world Israel it could be confusing. But God has not abandoned Israel. He also has not abandoned every single person on the face of this earth. But God wants us to live the way He wants, and not how we see fit. Otherwise God will abandon those people who reject Him, to a eternal punishment. Choose life today. Jesus is the only way. But we have to take up our cross, and die for Jesus, in order to really live.

I have to die to sin, I have to die to what I want to do. I have to die to unrighteousness. I have to give up everything for Jesus. This life is more serious than we have ever really realized. Going to the cross is clearly a really really really really hard thing to do. Jesus still went through with it. Jesus loves us so so much.

God, please help me to give up my life for my friends. Help me to not look back at my old life and sin. Help me not to look back like Lot’s wife. Help me to want the life you have for me. Have mercy on me God because I am a sinner. I am not the smartest person. I am not the most attractive. Help me to be humble God and lowly in heart like Jesus. This life is not about having a good time. Defeat my enemies God. Help me to be truthful in my inward parts Father. Help me to share all that I am with my brothers and sisters. In Jesus name.


All Things For My Good

God is working all things together for good to those that love Him. When you hear this you have to really imagine all and everything that you go through. When you take a look at the world and all the animals and plants, people, and process that takes place you see the hardness, the difficulty, the work, and the uneasiness. When Jesus created the universe He added a flavor, a spice, a uniqueness to it. As you believe in Jesus you realize that the process is not easy. Especially because in the world and in my heart I can see that evil and wickedness is present or has been present in the past. So when you learn through Jesus and the apostles that we are to live without sin and evil in our lives you can see what a difficult task this is. But with God all things are possible. Knowing that all things are working together for my good takes a lot of the worry and the stress and the fear of something bad happening to me in the future. I know if I love God, then anything that I go through and the way I feel is to my advantage. I just need to make sure I love God.  

Jesus says if you love him keep His commands. Even Job had a wonderful spirit when the bad things came to him in his life. Job praised God. And I have this hope that it wasn't all bad, God revealed more to Job about himself and comforted Job. It wasn't all bad because Job was blessed in the second half of his life. God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us. One of the definitions of prosper means to flourish physically and to be in good health. It also means to make successful and to grow in material wealth. Although to me materials are important, much more important is when God says He is not trying to harm us. And certainly God is in the position to harm us knowing the truth that we have sinned. But God chose to redeem us. Knowing these truths tell me God is working all things for my good. Let us trust God no matter what we go through weather happy or sad. He is so wise and Christ love for us goes beyond understanding. When you love someone, and especially when they do what you say and are in agreement with your desires, wouldn't God want to treat me well? The bible says that God can do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask or think. We hear all throughout the word that God has lovingkindness. Surely his ways of treating people are not like how people treat people. In our best efforts our RIGHTEOUSNESS is like filthy rags to God. If our rightousness is dirty to God surely His rightousness is so good we barely even know it. Maybe a reason why God wants us to go through hardships is becuase we can get more out of it. Love more, appreciate more, obey more, respect more. The easy things it is easy to take for granted, but the hard things are something worth glory. God help me to stay on the narrow path, strengthen me oh God because I am weak and poor. Many have fallen Lord, I come to you for success. Give me life in Jesus name.

Trusting God

Because we trust God we expect everything to go according to his plan, not according to ours. I recently went to get a replacement I.D. card with my parents for the military because I am a dependent. There was a lot of talking about getting the I.D. card and not knowing fully weather it could be done. Surprisingly, I was just quietly sitting as my parents discussed the details of getting the replacement I.D. card. My parents had all the information and we're doing mostly all of the talking. I didn't have to do anything but sign a few papers. Usually you would think I would have to do more talking or state my case for why I needed this I.D. card. I thought to myself, I trust my parents. I didn't even have to think about whether things were being done correctly because I knew and could see that they had all they needed and knew what they were doing.  In the same way,  God knows what he is doing. He is asking us to trust Him and sit quietly while he unwraps all the details of your life. When he asks us to do something, it is for our own good. God commanded or asked Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Any person other than Jesus would think, why would I do that, that will hurt me? But Jesus saw the big picture and was a ransom for us because we all died. God wants us to live the best life. God gives us instructions for how to live on earth. God does not leave us abandoned. I believe God will bring things into our life as good deeds for us to do, and all we have to do is just sign up. God is our parent so to speak, and we are the child along for the journey. God is taking care of the details and all we need to do is stick with Him and "sign the paperwork" so to speak, at the end. We should go looking for good opportunities and to do good works,  praying that God leads us to be more like our precious savior Jesus Christ. My point is that I didn't have to do anything except signing up for an I.D. card when I went to the office, even though it seemed more complicated. And God can make it to where you need nothing and you don't need to do anything but stay in faith. I'm asking you to just sign up by believing in God to handle what your going through.

I just recently got a new job as a leasing agent, I was worried my job would be too strenuous and I would be too busy but God aligned the perfect job for me. I have scoliosis and my back was hurting during the work of a previous job and I wondered how I would do the job but God opened the door to a new job. God is so good. He takes care of His children. I want to and I believe I do trust God to work all things for my good, no matter what I may face, and I want you to do the same. Thank you for reading.