Nobody Loves Me Like You Love Me Jesus

God loved Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He made good promises to them. He even wrestled with Jacob. God really loves us because He is able to forgive us. God is able to make perfect children from the start, but He decided to make us perfect through Jesus. Even though we may see the earth as a failure, God is not a failure and He loves us enough to die for us. But God did not stop there, He has given us eternal life and much much better lives to come. The earth is not a failure. For God to command us to love Him, and to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, body, and strength just shows His heart. We can almost understand what God feels like because most people want to be loved. God is truly giving us more than a chance to live because we as humans have all done something deserving of death. But God in His love showed us life itself, Jesus Christ. God will one day save all of Israel. Through the pages of the Bible we know about Israel, but when you are actually seeing the real world Israel it could be confusing. But God has not abandoned Israel. He also has not abandoned every single person on the face of this earth. But God wants us to live the way He wants, and not how we see fit. Otherwise God will abandon those people who reject Him, to a eternal punishment. Choose life today. Jesus is the only way. But we have to take up our cross, and die for Jesus, in order to really live.

I have to die to sin, I have to die to what I want to do. I have to die to unrighteousness. I have to give up everything for Jesus. This life is more serious than we have ever really realized. Going to the cross is clearly a really really really really hard thing to do. Jesus still went through with it. Jesus loves us so so much.

God, please help me to give up my life for my friends. Help me to not look back at my old life and sin. Help me not to look back like Lot’s wife. Help me to want the life you have for me. Have mercy on me God because I am a sinner. I am not the smartest person. I am not the most attractive. Help me to be humble God and lowly in heart like Jesus. This life is not about having a good time. Defeat my enemies God. Help me to be truthful in my inward parts Father. Help me to share all that I am with my brothers and sisters. In Jesus name.
