Being Hated

The World hates Christians. No matter what you see, Jesus says the world hates us. Now, this is where we have to dig down deep because we are called to love our enemies and love those that hate us. Sometimes it could feel real bad that other people don’t like being around us or despise us. But we are not alone in the way we feel. There are plenty of other Christians both in Heaven and all around the earth who love us, plus God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit loves us. We have to continue to do what is right, even when the wrong thing is happening. I pray that I don’t start acting cold towards people because I think they are going to harm me. Jesus healed and preached to people of all different types. We have to remember to persevere in doing good and treating others well and thinking positive even when in pain on the cross metaphorically speaking. I love that the thief on the cross was so positive, and even defending Jesus when he was condemned to die and in pain. He still asked Jesus for life and did a good deed by defending Jesus.

The world may hate us, and you may get a sense of being threatened by people of the world in not so in your face ways,. but we have to not hate them back. Treat them as well as you would treat the mother you love or Jesus himself, but DON’T go throwing your pearls to pigs. Don’t go overboard with interpreting how to love them. You don’t have to go hangout with them or go party with them because your trying to show them love. Love does no harm to a neighbor. That’s a great start right there. Don’t do any physical harm to them. Don’t hurt them with your words. And even with your own personal thoughts about them that you think about them in secret. Remember God knows if they are no good and how they are treating you. You don’t have to bash them or think evil thoughts about them to make yourself feel better. For now endure hardship, take the pain, and God will make everything right soon. God said honor all people. So think good thoughts about them. Show them love, and first show God love, by treating the people of the world how you want to be treated. And we all know you want to be treated well :)
