Thoughts On Anger


We all get angry. Sometimes it’s not that much anger, and sometimes we get really angry, and sometimes the anger grows overtime. First, recognize the situations that make you angry. It is possible that those situations will keep coming back around, or may not leave until you die. So you have to plan ahead. It’s okay to walk away. Maybe if your with another person you would want to say something like, “This is too much, I’m going to take a walk, “ or you can be more direct and say, “I feel angry, I am going to go for a walk.” Depending on who you are talking to, you can use good judgement to just walk away from the situation for awhile to calm down, gather your thoughts, and figure how to address the problem.

Sometimes you may not have an opportunity to walk away, so you should just make yourself calm by prayer, eating something but not overeating, or go on Facebook, search the internet, or just distract yourself with something you like doing, but don’t have to leave to get to. Buy something small on Amazon or something. But the real issue is the heart.

Life is always going to give you pressure in some way. Sometimes it seems overwhelming. When it seems overwhelming, sometimes you have to try to simplify your life in some way. Can you put off something till next year, can you let something go altogether. We can find solutions to a number of problems by not doing things other people do, because we think they are happier or we think if we have that one thing life will be better. Don’t try to gain the world, by going for that even more high paying jobs when you already have enough, don’t try to go after all the girls when you only need one, don’t try to do 10 different hobbies when you can master only 4. You get the idea

Jesus wants us to overcome. Keep praying and asking Jesus to help you not be angry and do that everyday, every two hours set an alarm to pray that prayer, or just when you remember, pray that prayer. Jesus is going to give you what you ask for because it’s not like your asking for money or something that is out of his will. Also, God may be trying to show you, tell you, or change you somehow or with something in your life that you need to change. Think about the future when God comes back, there will be no pain, sorrow, or death. Thinking about that I come to the conclusion that God in the long run is not okay with us going through pain or feeling angry.

Read a book and articles online about anger. Talk to a counselor. Vocalize it, realize that your dealing with anger. Jesus is a healer. God bless you!