All Things For My Good

God is working all things together for good to those that love Him. When you hear this you have to really imagine all and everything that you go through. When you take a look at the world and all the animals and plants, people, and process that takes place you see the hardness, the difficulty, the work, and the uneasiness. When Jesus created the universe He added a flavor, a spice, a uniqueness to it. As you believe in Jesus you realize that the process is not easy. Especially because in the world and in my heart I can see that evil and wickedness is present or has been present in the past. So when you learn through Jesus and the apostles that we are to live without sin and evil in our lives you can see what a difficult task this is. But with God all things are possible. Knowing that all things are working together for my good takes a lot of the worry and the stress and the fear of something bad happening to me in the future. I know if I love God, then anything that I go through and the way I feel is to my advantage. I just need to make sure I love God.  

Jesus says if you love him keep His commands. Even Job had a wonderful spirit when the bad things came to him in his life. Job praised God. And I have this hope that it wasn't all bad, God revealed more to Job about himself and comforted Job. It wasn't all bad because Job was blessed in the second half of his life. God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us. One of the definitions of prosper means to flourish physically and to be in good health. It also means to make successful and to grow in material wealth. Although to me materials are important, much more important is when God says He is not trying to harm us. And certainly God is in the position to harm us knowing the truth that we have sinned. But God chose to redeem us. Knowing these truths tell me God is working all things for my good. Let us trust God no matter what we go through weather happy or sad. He is so wise and Christ love for us goes beyond understanding. When you love someone, and especially when they do what you say and are in agreement with your desires, wouldn't God want to treat me well? The bible says that God can do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask or think. We hear all throughout the word that God has lovingkindness. Surely his ways of treating people are not like how people treat people. In our best efforts our RIGHTEOUSNESS is like filthy rags to God. If our rightousness is dirty to God surely His rightousness is so good we barely even know it. Maybe a reason why God wants us to go through hardships is becuase we can get more out of it. Love more, appreciate more, obey more, respect more. The easy things it is easy to take for granted, but the hard things are something worth glory. God help me to stay on the narrow path, strengthen me oh God because I am weak and poor. Many have fallen Lord, I come to you for success. Give me life in Jesus name.