Trusting God

Because we trust God we expect everything to go according to his plan, not according to ours. I recently went to get a replacement I.D. card with my parents for the military because I am a dependent. There was a lot of talking about getting the I.D. card and not knowing fully weather it could be done. Surprisingly, I was just quietly sitting as my parents discussed the details of getting the replacement I.D. card. My parents had all the information and we're doing mostly all of the talking. I didn't have to do anything but sign a few papers. Usually you would think I would have to do more talking or state my case for why I needed this I.D. card. I thought to myself, I trust my parents. I didn't even have to think about whether things were being done correctly because I knew and could see that they had all they needed and knew what they were doing.  In the same way,  God knows what he is doing. He is asking us to trust Him and sit quietly while he unwraps all the details of your life. When he asks us to do something, it is for our own good. God commanded or asked Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Any person other than Jesus would think, why would I do that, that will hurt me? But Jesus saw the big picture and was a ransom for us because we all died. God wants us to live the best life. God gives us instructions for how to live on earth. God does not leave us abandoned. I believe God will bring things into our life as good deeds for us to do, and all we have to do is just sign up. God is our parent so to speak, and we are the child along for the journey. God is taking care of the details and all we need to do is stick with Him and "sign the paperwork" so to speak, at the end. We should go looking for good opportunities and to do good works,  praying that God leads us to be more like our precious savior Jesus Christ. My point is that I didn't have to do anything except signing up for an I.D. card when I went to the office, even though it seemed more complicated. And God can make it to where you need nothing and you don't need to do anything but stay in faith. I'm asking you to just sign up by believing in God to handle what your going through.

I just recently got a new job as a leasing agent, I was worried my job would be too strenuous and I would be too busy but God aligned the perfect job for me. I have scoliosis and my back was hurting during the work of a previous job and I wondered how I would do the job but God opened the door to a new job. God is so good. He takes care of His children. I want to and I believe I do trust God to work all things for my good, no matter what I may face, and I want you to do the same. Thank you for reading.