I found God

Today I believe God again revealed himself to me and I feel him in my spirit. Chaplain (Pastor) Hudson was preaching a word on Luke 4:1-4 and the message was talking about how God is preparing us as we go through life on earth, to be with Him in paradise.  As she was speaking the Holy Spirit put on my heart God is Spirit. So simple , but it really helped me to see I am not looking for God by what I can see. This opened my eyes to know what it means to find God and have fellowship with Him. The creator,  maker of heaven and earth,  the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a spirit. He is not a man (numbers 23:19). When we search for God, we are not searching for something physical, or a feeling really, but a spirit. God not being man means we can commune with Him because He is near (Psalm 145:18), and He is near to all who call on him in truth. He is giving me power to do his will and to obey His word. The bible verse that I learned that God is sprit is John 4:24 for those who do not know God is spirit.. God is present in my life and may He be present in yours. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.


Stay At Rest

With life's situations being what they are, trouble can try to steal your peace. Jesus makes a key statement when talking about trouble, he says to take heart, he has overcome the world. To take heart means to feel encouraged, confident, and to have courage that the situation will get better. Jesus wants us to live an abundant life, free from sin, hangups, and failures. Jesus says ask and it will be given. When the disciples were on a boat with Jesus a serious storm broke open on the lake. While the storm broke open Jesus was sleeping. This can be a situation where one can learn to sleep during a storm, but also not lose your peace. Sleeping through the storm means to stay at rest, to not even notice how bad the conditions are, but how Good and Great and powerful your God is. Stay in faith. The trouble is normal part of life, and it will soon be over. What happened in that story? Jesus woke up and calmed the storm. Wait on God, He will soon calm the storm. But don’t lose faith in the process.


Losing peace means getting upset, worrying, not trusting God to deliver and Shepherd us in the right direction. God is good. Thanks for reading.


I am always thinking about the end of something, the end of the world, how God is going to come back and restore peace through his Kingdom of God. It is so gracious of the Lord to bring his Kingdom to earth. Earth has a bad rap, we are constantly hearing of the world's bad report and reputation. Sometimes we are eager to be set free of what is keeping us bound. Jesus says when we obey his word, that is when we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. Now Jesus mentions that it will set us free, this implies that we have to be patient for the freedom. God is not slow to set us free or bring justice. When we cry out to God and make our request known day and night, God will quickly answer. God has everything under his control. The bible says that no one will snatch us out of the Father's hand and Jesus' hand. Let's have the patience and pray for the patience to wait on God.

I pray right now for Jesus' kingdom to come down to earth. I pray for a sound mind. I pray to take on the kingdom of heaven like a little child. I pray to take up my cross and follow Jesus. I want to make a point to be patient for the Lord to answer prayers and trusting him to bring us the patience we need. God is all knowing. Just take a moment to realize how much better than our situation is God. He knows what we need before we ask. And God gives us what we ask for in prayer. Let's remember to be open and willing for God to move and work in our life. God acts fast. He has an appointed time for everything. Why don't we just keep busy with other works of God while waiting for God to bring the kingdom to you. 

I Love You Forever father and lord

Jesus paid the price for each one of us to live freely. The truth will set us free. I desire to be in the kingdom of heaven, and I will Lord willing. I desire to live right and to not do anything wrong, especially according to Gods commandments. Jesus says ask and it will be given. I took a moment and prayed as i typed this message to you. I know that Jesus will answer, no, the Father will asnwer my prayers with a Yes. I am twenty five right now and there are some things I have been instructed by my parents to let go. Is God asking you to let go of something in your life right now? I do, and I have prayed again to allow the Lord to move to get over problems. When you hurt someone you feel sad that you let God down and that persons expectations. There is nothing in my life that should be a surprise to God, I have given my life over to Him to mend and bring me to where it pleases Him. Lord have your way in me. God is in control and able, more than able to mend your broken pieces. I surrender my life and my everything to your will. Bless the reader of this message to know you more and to be more pleasurable to you Father. Amen.

God will finish what He started

With God nothing is impossiple. You may be carrying something you think is dead, but you know God gave it to you. What God started He will finish, your breakthrough is coming, in Jesus name! God is going vindicate you what isn't fair. Opportunity is going to track you down. Keep your faith stirred up. Just like a baby kicks in a mother's womb, what your hoping for is still alive. Thank you Jesus for the breakthrough. Just because you have given up does'nt mean God has. Keep on believing. What God started he will finish.

Live for Christ

God is like water to a thirsty soul.

God is like water to a thirsty soul.

That which was from the beginning is the word of life who is Jesus Christ. We are to have fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. If we say we have fellowship but still live in darkness we lie and do not the truth. We must make sure we are truthful in all our life. The truth is that God sent His Son Jesus into the world to die for sinners and the entire world, and He was successful in saving the world. We must walk in the light and have fellowship with one another, Jesus will cleanse us from all sin. God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrightousness.

The book of 1st John explains that he is writing to give us joy. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. Remember to confess your sins to have the Lord clease us of all sin. As I grow in Christ, the challengess that we have I am going to give to God. The Lord says He is the good shepherd. We are the sheep and every aspect of our life God will take hold and make right. In all our ways acknowledge God and He will make the path straight. This is my encouragement from 1 John 1.