Should I work During the COVID19 Pandemic?


I believe we should try working from home and staying safe, but obviously if you have a family and your home depends on your job, then maybe you should live with family for awhile. It’s not easy to say you should work. I honestly believe God will provide for His people, but what do you think? If someone you knew asked you if they should try to find a job during the pandemic what would you tell them? My short answer is no, you shouldn’t, but my second response is also yes, you should work, but in a different way and something that is safe. God wants his people to work, but sometimes there are situations where it’s not a simple answer. I believe if you don’t work, its not like your no longer a Christian, but I believe we have to provide for our family. That could mean working to find shelter like applying for housing or moving your family in with your parents, but if this Pandemic is that bad, you should think twice before exposing yourself and your family. With prayer and acknowledging God, God will make it clear what we should do, but I believe the scripture that says if you don’t provide for your family you shouldn’t eat means that if you aren’t doing anything to help your family, like applying for food stamps, or living with relatives, or going to the goodwill to give them clothes, if you aren’t doing or making ANY efforts to provide, then that makes that person worse than an unbeliever. IF THE ANSWER COMES DOWN TO IF I DON’T HAVE THIS JOB MY FAMILY WILL BE ON THE STREET, THEN YOU SHOULD KEEP THE JOB and take precaution like washing your hands more than normal and wearing a mask more than normal. My brother got a job in the airport during the pandemic and do I think it was the right choice, yes, but He has to take precaution. Gratefully my family is with family members which, is a bit inconvenient, but it’s a roof over our head.