Mastering Sin

Master Sin, just like mastering a skill such as horseback riding

To Master sin, first we need to know our Word and ask Jesus over and over again to Master Sin. But we can’t give up when we run into a mistake on our part. Jesus gave His life for us to be free from sin. Are you really obeying His teaching which He said would set you free? We have to realize that God wants us to radically change our life by not hanging out with those same friends, quitting to drink that alcohol, talk to someone about our pain, stop looking at the wrong things on the internet and so much more. I found so much freedom in my life when I realized that what I was doing was not acceptable to God. As we continue on our journey let’s really learn what sin is, and more importantly what actions are actually sin. Then of course we don’t need to quit our job unless you work somewhere inappropriate, but we need to change the other parts of our life like quitting going to the bar, quit looking for that person to hook up with, and really commit to Jesus by knowing what He said, then doing it. Do you judge? Do you forgive? Examine yourself to see if your really in the faith. Then bear fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and so much more!