Why I Believe A Christian Shouldn't Drink Alcohol?

Why Should A Christian not drink? It is because the Bible requires us to be sober. 1 Peter 4:7 says, “The end of all things is at hand: therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.” This is really eye opening because “the end of all things is near,” and so we are told basically to keep our head on straight. We need to be found by God in peace and when God comes back we do not need to be “eating and drinking with the drunkards,”(Matthew 24:49). God wants us to separate from the worldly people who are only living for this life.

Alcohol is addictive and even though you find alcohol mentioned in the Bible, it is mostly used as a metaphor to show certain points and not direct us to drink. Alcohol is highly addictive and usually one drink leads to more drinks and when your drinking more and more, you have reason to be drunk. Drunkenness is definitely condemned by God, but I would go on to say that we have to really be careful with alcohol and the idea of “I’m not yet drunk but its okay to drink more.” Your really playing with fire.

If you have had more than one bad experience with alcohol then I would say you should quit now. Alcohol brings destruction into your life and it is very subtle. I believe it also makes your judgement very poor and you start to do things you would not normally do and the things you start doing are going to be in bad judgement.

The last reason is that Alcohol makes you try to escape problems in your life and you start to become dependent on the alcohol to escape real life issues. Now alcohol may not be a full on sin but I believe your really playing with fire and you need to really evaluate why your drinking and if your getting drunk or don’t know the difference, or if you believe drinking is wrong then it is a sin for you.