7 Steps on How To Not Commit Adultery

  1. Realize your attracted to the opposite sex: Get honest about the emotions that are going on inside you and realize that you could commit adultery if you do not prepare. God says that to even look at the opposite sex with intentions of sleeping with them is adultery in your heart. So it starts with the emotions you feel. Do you think of jumping someone’s bones every time you see a man or woman wearing something seductive? This is a big sign. So pray and tell God what your doing and take those emotions seriously. Talk to yourself and say no I cannot do that because it could mean spending eternity in hell. Take it that seriously. Don’t text the opposite sex, don’t go to outings or parks together as “Friends,” don’t even play with fire. God is not playing, why should we?

  2. Be Separate from the world: Yes, you cannot watch the same movies as your unbelieving neighbor. Music and movies and books and website that show sex or half naked people are just fuel to the fire raging inside. God told Cain that sin waits at the door for him. So don’t go near that door. Stay away from bad worldly music. Stay away from habits that can cause you to turn away from the life God has for you. Yes, reading Godly books, listening to Godly music and being honest about the real struggle of life is the first steps.

  3. Get smart about married life: Read marriage books, listen to sermons on marriage on Youtube, go to seminars, and learn about how to be strong in marriage. God said in Hosea that His people parish for a lack of knowledge. Get wisdom, read how to articles like this one

  4. Plan Ahead: Like we said before don’t let your guard down about the opposite sex. Don’t buy condoms just in case. Don’’t text guys or girls just in case. NO, realize that if I tell my husband I am going to the store, then go there. Be trust worthy, and don’t lie to yourself about how you are doing. Don’t drink alcohol with friends and then talk to a woman or guy one on one. Stop going to parties as a single person, stop going to worldly parties. Take the Christian life seriously and realize that there is a God and He rewards those that diligently seek him

  5. Pray: Pray and tell God your struggling with thoughts about the opposite sex. God wants to see us succeed and we can by opening our mouth and calling on the name of the Lord, and we will be saved. Tell God and acknowledge Him about a decision you are about to make. Pray about everything.

  6. Confess: If you have gone too far in any way, Confess today to both God but also a trusted person. David didn’t think He did anything wrong until He was confronted by Nathan the prophet and was told by God that what God saw Him do was wrong. But it took David awhile before He actually admitted that his behavior was not up to par.

  7. Love and forgive. Don’t expect evil from your spouse, but love them. Actually care about your spouse and try to see things from their perspective. Love God and you will love other Christians. Why you could be mad at your spouse could really be a spiritual problem and your really fighting our mortal enemy Satan. You have to put on the whole armor of God and study the Bible to show yourself approved. To be saved, simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and by really following and putting in efforts towards the life Jesus wants you to live, you will be saved.

How To Stop Looking At Porn

The first thing I would do is talk to God and ask him, even though you know the answer, God do you want me to look at porn? Then take a secular class on breaking free of a porn addiction. Throw away your phone and buy a new one. The pain of that may spark you to breaking the habit. But without Jesus you can do nothing. SO what do we do?

We first need to know that where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. God has a plan to break us free of sins hold while still on earth. But ask yourself, do you really like looking at porn a little but just know it is wrong. That could be you. I can tell you that God saved me from looking at Porn and it was by starting to study Gods commandments and do them, you know, treating others how they want to be treated and so on. Even though I fell short a few times, eventually I was successful. I believe there is nothing that God cannot deliver us from. BUT you have got to really want it. Jesus cares so much about us. Willingly He went through pain so we may escape our pain. Tell him you are dealing with Porn then tell another Christian your looking or have looked at Porn. Tell them and this is what the Lord promises. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The Lord could come back any time. Let’s be ready