Do You Believe Jesus Is Coming Back Very Very Soon?

Well, Yes I do, but it may not be tomorrow. I believe the AntiChrist has to show up first and then Jesus destroys Him by the breath of his coming which is found in 1 and 2 Thessalonians. I believe one of the important things to do is to become a better Christian. We have to go from being Carnal to being spirit lead Christians. How well do you know your bible? I believe if you do not have time to read your Bible you should listen to audio-bibles on YouTube or buy a wonder Bible from Walmart or Amazon. We should be Christians that rightly divide the word of truth and provide a space for the spirit of the Lord to draw near to us. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. God made this beautiful place for us to be Holy, Pure, and Perfect. We have to decide today what type of Christian we are going to be. We can be a better Christian by telling and asking the Lord Jesus to make you a better Christian. Ask the Lord Jesus to make you a better Christian today. Literally open your mouth and tell him. He will answer. God bless you