It Hurts, But I'll Get Through it

There are promises from God. I realize that I didn’t do everything right, and so now I’m here in this predicament. Sorry. Hurt. and Confused. How did I get here? How did it get this bad? I wake up everyday to go to the feet of the one who can help. Jesus. No, don’t blame Him for where you are. No, don’t blame Him. He offers healing for a broken heart. He offers a home with him. Put on praise music, Listen to what others are going through. Realize that God cares about. Tell him your hurting one more time. Tell him your heart hurts with almost a physical pain. Then trust Him to bring change. The father doesn’t want it to be this way, but how do we know? We trust that because He will bring change to the world in the future, He doesn’t agree with the pain happening right now. Trust God one more time. and one more time after that. Hope in him.