A Better Jail

Most people in jail are just rotting away with no form of discipline being done. Think about it, if God uses a person like Moses, most people in Jail need real discipline not tirture. Discipline is correcting someone then letting them go to see what they have learned. The rooms in jail is the reason I am writing this article. Sometimes it does not make sense to keep people in jail with absolutely nothing to do. No real good books, or no plants to keep or even a nice poster or jail cell. My point is that keeping people in jail has purpose, but then the way they are treated does not seem to have purpose. Why not give someone, who is not getting out of jail for awhile a plant to keep care of, or nice clothes, or a watch, or even something else. There seems to be a tv in jail, so if you are willing to let criminals watch tv, why not give something more substantial to every inmate when they go back to their cell. Thank you!

We Are Not Alone

The message throughout the Bible is that God doesn’t leave us alone


A Good Counseling Session Does A Person Wonders

Here is why i recommend voicing your concerns to a counselor. Today I had a great counseling session with a counselor from Better Help counseling. I have been able to share my thoughts, some really embarrassing ones, to a certified and trained counselor who gave good advice. One advice was to become a detective to myself. Meaning, I need to make note of what my body and brain are doing, and if either is going in a wrong direction, i need to address these concerns immediately and send my counselor the evidence to show i need advice on a particular topic. I recommend talking with a counselor because your able to make good progress in your well-being and process correctly difficult situations you may go through.


A Museum of Your Own

I want this website to represent the beginnings of a museum God would create about my life like he would any other Jewish person or Christian.


The Website above is where I got that from!

Royal When With The God of Israel

I plan on being the best person I can be in regards to with other people. Life is competitive and I want to be a kind and nice person but also be motivated to contribute to the community like my fellow citizen did down the street. And contribute something either better so the person around me can invent something better than mine. Like my church says, keep it moving forward. Keep life moving in a good way.

I hope my family and I, Shadreka and the baby and me, can be our own royal African American citizen in our own class, like Meghan Markle and Prince Henry. Or even the richest African American Entrepreneur!! Ever!! That would be a blessing, like seeing a group of Unicorn.


Y.E. TV Show

I have been interested in making a show about my life and I have started to on YouTube. Here is the link to the first episode of me talking about the “TV” show.

This is why I don’t like Washington that much.



Sometimes Why Do Products Still exIst today

I believe that some products like cigarettes and alcohol serve no real purpose today in 2020 because there is real medicine that exist today like Tylenol or other products that aid in self medication that so many people fall prey to. I believe we as Americans can do much better in up lifting our voice to not stand for these products which cause so many domestic arguments.

thank you

Deuteronomy 7:15

And the Lord will take away from you all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which you know, on you, but will put them on all them that hate you.

This is a great verse because The Lord is promising to take away sickness from the people. It is interesting why he would put them on our enemies because then their is a possibility of getting the diseases again from the enemy. Modern diseases may be ancient diseases from long ago. We have to truly get to know the Lord so we know what he would do and not do. I have never known anyone who knows exactly where the Bible comes from except by asking another person. It is always good to do the good things in the Bible is my opinion but keep an open mind to some of the confusing points in the Bible.

YouThful Entrepreneur

I am a guy who likes coming up with great products to improve our community. Other young people have great ideas that I am sure the world would benefit from. One idea would be a marketplace for young people to sell products on a professional level. I started off the company with T-shirts and the wearable camera in mind, and now I focus on religion and still products as well. I trust the good God, the God of Israel, but sometimes it is hard for us people to tell who is who. Jobs wife had it correct. Anyway, I look forward to sharing and learning. I am looking to get 10% of every product sold or service used for 10 years or the life of the products. Feel free to message me with questions or how you found the idea useful. Thank you again,


A Better City

Our goal here as humans is to create a better environment for ourselves. We have to notice what is not working and then change. We see problems that seem to be reoccurring that need to be addressed and not just talked about. Some problems need to be properly organized and not taken away, and other problems need to be removed and reinstalled elsewhere.


Not Abstinance , but a safe environment

I believe that regardless of the boundaries put on drugs and alcohol, there seems to always be a way of a young adult finding use for them in some secretive way. Y.E. company would like to create a safe environment, almost like a young adult, “Day Care,” where young people can be monitored and check in to a safe place to congregate while they may be under the influence. Why? this would not be a rehabilitation place, although encouragement of this would be great. The point of this is to prevent young adults, and someone else’s child from using drugs or alcohol in a unsafe environment. Hiring safe and trust worthy police officers to monitor the area along side non-officers like normal people who can be there. The purpose would not be to offer a helping hand so to speak and scare the young adults off from the environment, and of course not encouraging bad behavior either, but having a place where the gateway to a harder life is highly reduced and years of wasted life is saved by coming along side the struggle young people have.


I make these post out of pondering my path and trying to correct my wrongs. We have all sinned, but sometimes it is not clear why we are sinning and how to overcome them. This is clear in the life of Jesus. Since he is the creator, He took our sins on himself to pay the ransom for creation. We have to continue changing and loving.

Clean Up Our SecRet Life

We have to make sure our secret life, the things we do in the dark our seen as good before God when Jesus arrives. Or at least ask us. His eyes know when their is evil.

God Bless You!!

PErsonal Journal

Life has a process, but combining knowledge with the Bible, we can overcome the troubles we face through technology and innovation.

God's Good Promises

God is promising through scriptures all throughout the Bible that He wants to do us good and help us do good and not cause any pain to others spiritually and physically. God said in the time of Moses that we need to respect God. Even when Jesus walked the earth physically He said a similar thing. SO today, we as a population must be learning and doing this much more better. I do wonder how our progress is as the human population grows and time goes on, how well we are doing at fearing God.

The purpose of this is to build a great community where people can have fun, love God, and just enjoy each other through Jesus. Let’s keep hoping and learning how to love creatively and how God see’s fit.

God Bless You Subscribers!!

Be Holy

God is Holy and can be trusted. 😊



God is love. Well, that’s easy to remember, but to be intentional about how to love is a whole nother subject. Let’s look at some bible verses about love so both you and I can learn.

Let all that you do be done in love. - 1 Corinthians 16:14

Okay so we never want to despise someone or attribute thoughts to them that they are not thinking. We do not know what someone is thinking or really there intentions, we have to focus on how WE or you are loving. I have heard Lisa Turkhersh, a best-selling author say that we cannot think someone is trying to harm us before we even really meet them. I saw a video on TV the other day and it spoke to me how sometimes people think other people are out to get them before they have even talked to that person. We need to not attribute harm to someone else, and give new people and old people in our lives a chance by showing them love. More Below….

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. - Proverbs 10:12

So this verse goes into how we show love. Simply by not hating others. Jesus says to even love our enemies. When Jesus was on the cross, He asked God the Father to forgive the people who put him on the cross because they did not know what they are doing. God said elsewhere that His people perish for a lack of knowledge. This means in 2020, there is literally know excuse for us to not study as much as we can even if we are not in a college, because there are so many people who are sharing knowledge over the internet, Youtube and more. Hatred means doing harm to anybody in your life. God is the one who punishes people. We cannot take this role ourselves. If God wanted Jesus to be crucified on the cross, we should have let The Father do it himself, no disrespect to God, but we should never be in a position to harm others. Let pestilence, earthquake, or some act of God happen but it should not be by our hand.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

The Choice

The choice we have to do good is everything to loving God in my recent discovery from reading the article from Gotquestions.org about Why God put the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden with Adam and Eve. The real reason is that we all have to choose to obey and love God. Adam and Eve were apparently like robots before God mentioned to them about having to choose to eat a tree or not. At the core, it is God saying we can’t have something when He has giving us everything. This is a classic from our personality as a Human, we always want want want, and it seems like God gave them a gift of self-control or even the idea of sharing from a not so obvious viewpoint.

We all have to really decide to serve God and not die. Think about it, everyday God is reaching out to people to make the choice to choose life. Wow. Okay, I am definitely interested in discovering why God did what He did. See, even the answer I have about the Tree of Good and Evil needs more work. So, fast forward. I choose life. What happened back then is important, but we all know by now, the right choice is to choose, life. WOW!