
Don’t let money control you. The Bible says it’s the root of all evil. Pray about it. Learn how to manage it. But if it is the root of evil it’s the reason you could be struggling with a certain sin. Yes get a job and a good one. But there has to be a time when enough is enough. Jesus says riches are deceitful. The problem you could be experiencing is your not managing the money you already have well. There are resources out there to help you learn how. Matthew 25 talks about an unprofitable servant who didn’t use the masters goods well. Don’t be that servant. Take what God is giving you and use wisdom. The Bible says whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. You want to make a six figure income? Why? Your desires for riches could very well be the reason why you don’t have the true riches which are found right in your Bible. And the Bible is literally free. Isaiah talks about come to God and buy without money. Do you realize the riches we have in Christ? Sure maybe you need to budget, maybe you need to look at a video on YouTube about how not to spend money on things you don’t need. But John the Baptist said “be content with your wages.” Take his advice and learn to make what you already have grow!