Life being too much

Sometimes life can feel overwhelming. Even when nothing is going wrong it can feel taxing on your spirit to just be alive. Jesus is calling us to patient endurance. Have you ever seen runners stop and drink some water before continuing a race? Sometimes we have to rest in life instead of getting on the with the race of accomplishments, to do lists, and so much like these. We are going to live forever when we put our faith in Jesus. But we so easily forget this and think I need to do this and finish that. Do we really believe we are going to live forever? On top of all this the world is ending. Jesus has already announced it. There is a great scene in a space movie I like where all of a sudden aliens show up to earth to destroy it. In comedy they say, “ these plans to destroy earth have been on display for years.” Jesus is just like this when it comes to announcing the end. It will come suddenly but many will not be ready. If we really believed the world is ending and we are going to live and not die, would we really be concerned about some of the things we are concerned about. We need to secure our place in Heaven by faith in Jesus not in works. Do you keep the commands well? Do you believe by your actions? These questions we need to answer and remember there is a rest for the people of God. But the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things come in and choke the Word, making it unfruitful. God bless you