Flesh is Death

The truth is, if we live according to the flesh we bring death in our life. Romans I believe says this to let us know Gods position on sin so that we can live a life free from sin. I believe this is my goal in the Christian life. But I also believe God gives us the power to do so, when we continue in Jesus teaching.

Jesus said in the gospel of John that if we continue on his teaching we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. I think this means we keep practicing what Jesus taught, then we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. So if Jesus says “love your enemies,” then trying our best to do that. Then we will know God.

I think this is becoming obvious to me this is a process that takes place over time as we grow in Jesus’s Word. I don’t think this is an over night process. Let’s keep fighting the good fight of faith, and lay hold on eternal life. I think we are not hauled up to heaven immediately because God wants us to fight the fight of faith and also wants to see if we really don’t want to sin. Let’s continue to serve God and cleave to Him.

God bless you