A Better Jail

Most people in jail are just rotting away with no form of discipline being done. Think about it, if God uses a person like Moses, most people in Jail need real discipline not tirture. Discipline is correcting someone then letting them go to see what they have learned. The rooms in jail is the reason I am writing this article. Sometimes it does not make sense to keep people in jail with absolutely nothing to do. No real good books, or no plants to keep or even a nice poster or jail cell. My point is that keeping people in jail has purpose, but then the way they are treated does not seem to have purpose. Why not give someone, who is not getting out of jail for awhile a plant to keep care of, or nice clothes, or a watch, or even something else. There seems to be a tv in jail, so if you are willing to let criminals watch tv, why not give something more substantial to every inmate when they go back to their cell. Thank you!