Not Abstinance , but a safe environment

I believe that regardless of the boundaries put on drugs and alcohol, there seems to always be a way of a young adult finding use for them in some secretive way. Y.E. company would like to create a safe environment, almost like a young adult, “Day Care,” where young people can be monitored and check in to a safe place to congregate while they may be under the influence. Why? this would not be a rehabilitation place, although encouragement of this would be great. The point of this is to prevent young adults, and someone else’s child from using drugs or alcohol in a unsafe environment. Hiring safe and trust worthy police officers to monitor the area along side non-officers like normal people who can be there. The purpose would not be to offer a helping hand so to speak and scare the young adults off from the environment, and of course not encouraging bad behavior either, but having a place where the gateway to a harder life is highly reduced and years of wasted life is saved by coming along side the struggle young people have.