Doubting The Bible

If you live any time at all you know the Devil is trying to get us to doubt the Bible. I think we can doubt the sinfulness of ourselves and other people. Because we are still hiding like Adam and Eve in the garden. We need to come into the light and say Jesus, I have a problem that I don’t know how to solve.

One thing I know I can struggle with is believing without seeing. I always want to see something to believe. And I can get mad at God because I wonder, how can the world be like this. But I want to come back to trusting God. Trusting the truth of God. How He, God, is not evil. The Devil is evil, but we have to resist him.

I think there are many things in this world we can doubt and look for evidence for. But God has already given us enough, and I am sure Jesus can enlighten us more when we are ready. Jesus is the only answer. Don’t scratch your head about what we don’t know, but praise God for what He has spoken to us through Jesus and The Bible.