Stay At Rest

With life's situations being what they are, trouble can try to steal your peace. Jesus makes a key statement when talking about trouble, he says to take heart, he has overcome the world. To take heart means to feel encouraged, confident, and to have courage that the situation will get better. Jesus wants us to live an abundant life, free from sin, hangups, and failures. Jesus says ask and it will be given. When the disciples were on a boat with Jesus a serious storm broke open on the lake. While the storm broke open Jesus was sleeping. This can be a situation where one can learn to sleep during a storm, but also not lose your peace. Sleeping through the storm means to stay at rest, to not even notice how bad the conditions are, but how Good and Great and powerful your God is. Stay in faith. The trouble is normal part of life, and it will soon be over. What happened in that story? Jesus woke up and calmed the storm. Wait on God, He will soon calm the storm. But don’t lose faith in the process.


Losing peace means getting upset, worrying, not trusting God to deliver and Shepherd us in the right direction. God is good. Thanks for reading.