
I am always thinking about the end of something, the end of the world, how God is going to come back and restore peace through his Kingdom of God. It is so gracious of the Lord to bring his Kingdom to earth. Earth has a bad rap, we are constantly hearing of the world's bad report and reputation. Sometimes we are eager to be set free of what is keeping us bound. Jesus says when we obey his word, that is when we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. Now Jesus mentions that it will set us free, this implies that we have to be patient for the freedom. God is not slow to set us free or bring justice. When we cry out to God and make our request known day and night, God will quickly answer. God has everything under his control. The bible says that no one will snatch us out of the Father's hand and Jesus' hand. Let's have the patience and pray for the patience to wait on God.

I pray right now for Jesus' kingdom to come down to earth. I pray for a sound mind. I pray to take on the kingdom of heaven like a little child. I pray to take up my cross and follow Jesus. I want to make a point to be patient for the Lord to answer prayers and trusting him to bring us the patience we need. God is all knowing. Just take a moment to realize how much better than our situation is God. He knows what we need before we ask. And God gives us what we ask for in prayer. Let's remember to be open and willing for God to move and work in our life. God acts fast. He has an appointed time for everything. Why don't we just keep busy with other works of God while waiting for God to bring the kingdom to you.