Live for Christ

God is like water to a thirsty soul.

God is like water to a thirsty soul.

That which was from the beginning is the word of life who is Jesus Christ. We are to have fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. If we say we have fellowship but still live in darkness we lie and do not the truth. We must make sure we are truthful in all our life. The truth is that God sent His Son Jesus into the world to die for sinners and the entire world, and He was successful in saving the world. We must walk in the light and have fellowship with one another, Jesus will cleanse us from all sin. God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrightousness.

The book of 1st John explains that he is writing to give us joy. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. Remember to confess your sins to have the Lord clease us of all sin. As I grow in Christ, the challengess that we have I am going to give to God. The Lord says He is the good shepherd. We are the sheep and every aspect of our life God will take hold and make right. In all our ways acknowledge God and He will make the path straight. This is my encouragement from 1 John 1.