I found God

Today I believe God again revealed himself to me and I feel him in my spirit. Chaplain (Pastor) Hudson was preaching a word on Luke 4:1-4 and the message was talking about how God is preparing us as we go through life on earth, to be with Him in paradise.  As she was speaking the Holy Spirit put on my heart God is Spirit. So simple , but it really helped me to see I am not looking for God by what I can see. This opened my eyes to know what it means to find God and have fellowship with Him. The creator,  maker of heaven and earth,  the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a spirit. He is not a man (numbers 23:19). When we search for God, we are not searching for something physical, or a feeling really, but a spirit. God not being man means we can commune with Him because He is near (Psalm 145:18), and He is near to all who call on him in truth. He is giving me power to do his will and to obey His word. The bible verse that I learned that God is sprit is John 4:24 for those who do not know God is spirit.. God is present in my life and may He be present in yours. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.