I Love You Forever father and lord

Jesus paid the price for each one of us to live freely. The truth will set us free. I desire to be in the kingdom of heaven, and I will Lord willing. I desire to live right and to not do anything wrong, especially according to Gods commandments. Jesus says ask and it will be given. I took a moment and prayed as i typed this message to you. I know that Jesus will answer, no, the Father will asnwer my prayers with a Yes. I am twenty five right now and there are some things I have been instructed by my parents to let go. Is God asking you to let go of something in your life right now? I do, and I have prayed again to allow the Lord to move to get over problems. When you hurt someone you feel sad that you let God down and that persons expectations. There is nothing in my life that should be a surprise to God, I have given my life over to Him to mend and bring me to where it pleases Him. Lord have your way in me. God is in control and able, more than able to mend your broken pieces. I surrender my life and my everything to your will. Bless the reader of this message to know you more and to be more pleasurable to you Father. Amen.