You Complete ME...

So to be honest I had to Google which movie that phrase came from. Don’t judge me! I think I’ve seen Jerry Maguire before but I really can’t remember. I’ll have to put that on my movies to review list. Anyway, when I think of that phrase and that particular scene in the movie (Oh, the tears!!) I automatically magnify my singleness and therefore “incompleteness” as some would have me think. I got curious and looked up the definition of the word complete on Merriam-Webster and this is what I read:

Simple Definition of Complete
– Having all necessary parts: not lacking anything
– Not limited in any way
– Not requiring more work: entirely done or complete

Yes, yes I know that being single isn’t a life sentence and marriage isn’t all roses and humming birds but I do want to be in a relationship with a Jesus following man one day. I admit, I have been learning a lot during this time in my life…my strengths and weaknesses (ugh, trying to make peace with those!), my likes and rather-nots, what I really want in a relationship/marriage, and just who I am in general. During this time I’ve been able to invest in my friendships and it’s really been a blessing talking to and getting to know some of the incredible people I consider friends. However, there are times when I feel a little incomplete when certain holidays come around or when my eyes seem to be constantly blinded by the reflecting engagement or wedding rings. Please, it’s sunny out and I don’t have my sunglasses! But when I get into this poor me mindset I try to remind myself of all that I can enjoy during my single days! Where is the connection to Jesus you ask?? I’m getting there, just a sec….
As I was reading Colossians today I came across this in Chapter 2:6-10:

“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him [emphasis mine], who is the head of all principality and power.”

What?! Wait…back up, what did I just read?! I am complete in Him! For so long I’ve given into the idea that I don’t have “all the necessary parts” that I’m lacking, fragmented, needing more work. This has caused me to be a “little” bitter and jealous towards those I viewed as complete because they are in a relationship. Looking at them with eyes of envy day dreaming with thoughts of, “Oh how nice it would be to have someone by my side, someone I could share my random thoughts with and he being genuinely interested, someone to go to church with and talk about God stuff, someone to beat at basketball and he not feeling embarrassed”…because it’s going to happen! (Haha, exaggeration on my part, but I do have some skills!). But God showed me that because I have Him, I am complete. More complete than I probably realize. Now my perspective has changed. Knowing that my completeness isn’t determined by another human, my finances, status, or anything else but only Jesus is such a great feeling! I use to picture myself as a glass half full and at times almost empty…waiting to be filled by that relationship I didn’t have yet. But with this knowledge I’m beginning to see myself as a glass full, right to the top!! And when I start to loose this perspective I just have to remind myself of that line…I am complete in Christ. Period. When you start to apply this knowledge your life changes. Yes, I still have the desire to be in a relationship and get married some day but for now I’m just going to enjoy being single and complete (Yep, those two words can go together!). When that Jesus following man comes along I pray that he knows he is complete in Christ too. That way, when he meets me and is just blown away by how amazing I am (Haha, I couldn’t help it, but it’s true!) he isn’t trying to fill some void he thinks he has but instead just wants to share the road with me, so to speak, on his walk with Christ. Could you imagine the power of two complete people in Christ serving the Lord for His glory, let alone one?! Awesome!