The Kingdom of God is the reign of the god of the bible who is jesus. jesus will soon return to earth to set up his kingdom and eventually bring us into eternity with him. but before this you must put your faith in jesus and believe.


Abraham’s promise. So back in the book of Genesis we learn that Abraham was given a promise by God that He was going to make Abraham into a great nation. This nation through the lineage of Abraham eventually became the children of Israel or specifically the nation of Israel today. But when Jesus came to the earth He told us how He wants us to live and through scripture we learn that believing in Jesus makes you the true nation of Israel or a member in the family of Abraham. So God started with Abraham, which then grew to the nation of Israel, and we were given clarity that to be in Gods family you have to have faith. Today God has opened up His family to all people and not just the Jewish people of Israel by putting your faith in Gods Son Jesus. Jesus is Gods Son because He was God who was born of a virgin in the lineage of Abraham. God now promises us a place in Heaven and the New Heavens and Earth.



Our father gives us an inheritance. When you believe in Jesus you become an heir to all that God has given Jesus. You become a Son or Daughter of God just like Jesus. With Jesus God is promising to give us all things (Romans 8:32). In the near future God will uphold His promises and we will inherit a city called the New Jerusalem as read in Revelation 21. Let’s get excited. There is something else that happens before we get to a New Heavens and New Earth.



When Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob sit to eat in the Kingdom of God. Before we get to a new world and the New Jerusalem, Jesus is going to return to earth to reign on Earth for 1,000 years as stated in Revelation 20. In this Kingdom We will see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and other Bible people on earth.

Other information of the Kingdom of God below

The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.

LUKE 13:18-19

It’s A Heart Kingdom

The Word Has Been Planted

The Bible is everywhere in the world. When someone hears about the Kingdom of God, the seed is planted in their heart. For those who believe, this seed changes them into new creations.

The Kingdom of God Is Within You

God’s kingdom changes our hearts. If I never heard the message of the Kingdom, I would still be doing bad things, but I know God has changed my heart and I stopped doing a lot of bad things that were causing me to die. I know Jesus will continue to cause me to make good decisions because I die daily to sin, and I trust God will save me because I called on the name of the Lord. It’s His promise, and this world cannot take God’s promises from us.

Something's Gotta Go

The End Will Come


The end will not come until everyone has heard about the good news. The good news of the Kingdom is great. When a person has been given a deserved death sentence for a crime, to tell them that they are forgiven and to also give them the power to not commit any more crimes, this is good news. That is exactly what God has done for us, and more. God the Father of all creation has sent His Son as a lamb to take away the sins of the world. So the word has been planted to prepare you for the coming kingdom of God. The home of righteousness

Someone Is Coming

The King


All power and authority has been given to Jesus, the lamb of God. Jesus made the universe and made creatures to inhabit it. Then Jesus saved the world from evil, and now He is making the whole universe free of sin, evil, and all wrong. The king is making all wrongs, right.

The Kingdom


People have never experienced a place where nothing ever goes wrong. The Kingdom is a place where faith, hope, and love will be. This kingdom will never end but will forever be good and righteous.