What To Do While We Wait

Waiting On The Rapture? Do This:

We don’t know when the Rapture will take place, but we are told to “do business till I come,” in the book of Luke 19:13. Jesus is saying that we need do the Fathers business until He comes back. I think we all want Jesus to return sooner than later. We feel like we are really wanting God to deliver us from our troubles and fears. But we should not live in fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). I think the best thing we can do is ask God for a solution to our problems in the right now and not in the by and by. My Bible tells me that the righteous are delivered out of trouble and it comes to the wicked instead (Proverbs 11:8). My point in this detour message before I get to the main message is we should be occupying our time with getting ready for Christ return and being found by Him in peace.

Main Message:

We should all be occupying our time with Jesus’ work instead of going about our own business in life. If you go through life and never know Jesus. You are risking your eternal destination. If you do know Jesus, and you don’t spend your life getting to know God and His Son Jesus better and better, you could end up not getting rewards or worse, being found by Him not ready for His return. What should you do? First, have a life free from sin. You may not get it right everyday, but you should consistently be walking in the light and not in darkness. Do you know the difference between good and evil? If not, that should be on your to do list. Second, I think we should all be excersising our faith in good works. That means volunteering at church or another organization, helping the sick and needy. Spending your money on profitable things like homeless shelters and church missions. We should all do our best to live a life of light where people can see you have faith. Like in the book of James, faith without works is dead. Lastly, you should be looking to grow. Grow what God has planted in you. This could look like reading more of your bible and seeking understanding about what your reading. This could also look like growing in the fruits of the spirit like patience and how kind you are to others and how loving you are. People should know we are Christians instead of saying one thing and doing evil the next minute. This isn’t a comprehensive list on everything we should do before the rapture. It is a jumping off point to ask yourself are you ready for Christ return or do you just want the vacation without actually doing the work first? Anyway God bless you and thank you for reading. C ya

Further Study: Check out the video below