40+ points to support the Pre-tribulation rapture view:
Sorry some of these Points are kinda repetitive so it may not be a total a 40+ points. Enjoy!
Scriptural Interpretations Concerning Wrath:
1. Deliverance from God's wrath (1 Thessalonians 1:10).
2. Believers not appointed to wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9).
3. Salvation from wrath through Jesus (Romans 5:9).
4. The tribulation as a period of divine wrath.
The Imminence of the Rapture:
5.. The rapture's potential to occur at any moment.
6. Lack of preceding signs for the rapture.
7. The rapture as a source of comfort and hope.
8. Distinction Between the Church and Israel:
9. Separation of God's plan for the Church and Israel.
10. The tribulation as a time of judgment for Israel.
11. The church being removed from the time of Israels tribulation.
The Role of the Restrainer:
12. Removal of the "restrainer" (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8).
13. The restrainer often interpreted as the Holy Spirit or the Church.
14. The removal of the restrainer preceding the Antichrist's revelation.
Heavenly Scenes in Revelation:
15. The Church's presence in heaven before the tribulation (Revelation 4-5).
16. The 24 elders representing the Church in heaven.
17. The wedding feast of the Lamb in heaven.
18. Differences Between the Rapture and Second Coming:
19. The rapture as a gathering of believers in the air.
20. The second coming as Christ's return to Earth.
21. Different purposes of the rapture and second coming.
22. Differences in the events surrounding each event.
23. The rapture is primarly for the church, the second coming for all.
The Nature of the Church:
24. The Church as the Bride of Christ.
25. The belief that the Bride of Christ is spared from wrath.
26. The church being the body of christ, and not subject to Gods wrath.
Necessity of Heavenly Events:
27. The judgment seat of Christ in heaven.
28. The need for an interval between the rapture and second coming.
29. The timing of rewards for believers.
Daniel's 70th Week:
30. The tribulation as the fulfillment of Daniel's 70th week.
31. The pre-tribulation view's interpretation of Daniel's prophecies.
32. The understanding that the 70th week is primarily for Israel.
Old Testament Precedents:
33. Comparisons to Enoch's translation.
34. Comparisons to Noah's deliverance.
35. Old testament examples of God removing his people before judgement.
The Lords promises:
36. Jesus's promise to prepare a place for his followers (John 14:1-3).
37. The concept of being "taken" (John 14:3).
38. The promise of being kept from the "hour of trial" (Revelation 3:10).
The concept of mystery:
39. The rapture as a "mystery" revealed to the Apostle Paul.
40. The rapture being a new testament concept.
The order of events:
41. The order of events as presented in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
42. The order of events in 2 Thessalonians 2.
The nature of the day of the lord:
43. The day of the lord being a time of judgement.
44. The church not being appointed to that day.
The importance of Holiness:
45. The need for the church to be without spot or wrinkle.
46. The concept of being presented as a pure bride.
The focus on Christ:
47. The rapture focusing on Christ's coming for his own.
48. The rapture being a personal meeting with Christ.
The nature of Gods love:
49. Gods love for the church, and the concept of not wanting his bride to suffer.
The concept of being gathered:
50.The church being gathered together to Christ.
The concept of translation:
51. The transformation of the body at the rapture.
The Hope of the church:
52. The rapture being the blessed hope of the church.
By Ben Ross and Co-Pilot