\# About The New Heaven


 The New Heaven

Heaven is the place where God lives. People on earth have never seen the heaven where God lives. But sometimes when the Bible talks about heaven it means space, the sky, and the place where all the planets and the stars live. Let’s talk about everything. We are going to assume that the heaven God is talking about in the Bible means both space, and the unseen to human eye place where God dwells.


In Heaven Gods will is done. Everyone in Heaven obeys God and worships Him. So it would be wise to think that we must obey and worship God to enter in. Heaven is where God lives. Heaven is perfect and all who are there are blameless.We have never seen Heaven on this side. But God is telling us about paradise. And get this, Heaven is coming to Earth.


When Jesus came to earth he was announcing a new age to come. A new way of life was here, and a new creation was coming. Jesus was also announcing that not all people will be allowed into this Kingdom. So you would be wise to know how to get into the Kingdom of God. Jesus said he is the way to heaven and the Kingdom of God. Jesus called heaven paradise. Now when anyone hears the word paradise on earth we immediately know that it is a place that is much much better than earth to say the least. Paradise is a safe place free from enemies. Paradise is a exceedingly beautiful place.


Currently we know that Jesus is at the right hand of God in heaven. God and Jesus are in heaven along with all the holy angels and the saints. Do you really think God lives in a dirty place? Do you really think God lives in a place like earth? It may be true that everybody generally gets the feeling that earth could be better. More beautiful, more breathtaking, and more perfect. God dwells in a place so great that it is called paradise, but the Bible tells us that even this heaven will be made new. God wants everything everywhere to be perfect and he wants people to be perfect to. God will do it. The Word of God never fails.


This is wise advice from Paul. The things we experience on earth is not how it will always be. If we always think about heaven and the Kingdom of God, we will live better lives.

More Than Beauty


God looks at the heart of a person. The beauty of earth only goes so far because we also want good things to be here like people loving each other, no death, no pain, and on and on. The good news about the New Heaven is that the whole universe will be righteous. Now the heart of the issue will be solved, not just the outward appearance. Let’s face it, God knows how to make something look good. The earth looks good from high up, and from the ground, but when you actually start to get to the heart of the planet you can see that it is sick and in need of a doctor. God is the doctor with the remedy. We have to obey and trust God, and let go of everything to follow Jesus.


Righteousness is so good because it is a heart issue. We see how God’s heart is when He sent His only Son Jesus into the world to take away our sins. This was a big sacrifice, but God is also wanting us to take up our cross and follow Jesus. The new heaven will be a place that frankly we have never seen to say the obvious. But really this is somewhat sad because being righteous is how it should have always been. Nevertheless God is going to change the bad and Jesus will fill the universe with his love. God will not always be angry with people, but offers a better way. This is just the beginning for humans. Today, we have to live righteously and show God that we want to contribute to His righteous new heaven.

Let’s Discover Jesus


We have gotten a taste of God’s goodness. Not only God’s skill but His heart. Jesus created this whole world, but this was just the tip of the iceberg. We all for the most part have some interest in knowing where we come from, who made us, and where we are headed. Don’t you think it would be amazing to discover more about our creator. Jesus and God the Father will finally live close to His people. We have never known anything like that. Frankly, it is hard to imagine. Truly a perfect paradise.

Let’s Discover The New Heaven


Honestly, I think that is an understatement. God is really good at what He does. We have to give everything to God, even our heart, and He will clean us up and save us. But back to the new heaven. It is really fun to travel around earth and see something new or something we know is worth seeing. God is making things for His purpose and pleasure so you know if God desires perfection, what He makes is going to be better than perfect in my opinion.


This new heaven will be unlike anything that I could describe, in a good way. Sin distracts us more than we give credit. The new heaven will be without sin. We will finally experience life in a whole new way. The universe is already immeasurably big. And this was just God’s first go at it. Not that God needs practice but surely the second heaven will be better than the first. Why would God make it worse or not try to outdo what he did before. Either way we know this is going to we worth sticking around to live in.