Lowlye Sheep

Share with those who have none


Many people need someone to speak up for them. There are people in the world who are in need. This page is to encourage you to help the poor, and not just pass them by.


There are far more people with a adequate home than people without a home. It’s time to not be afraid to give a homeless person a stable place to sleep and a home. In ancient times, or Bible times, people would invite strangers into their homes when they saw that they would be sleeping out in the open without a home. But too many people pass these people by today, and not once offering to do anything for them, let alone give them a place to sleep. We need people to gather together to put an end to homelessness. Yes, we will always have poor people in the world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t give these fellow human beings a place to stay.


God Made The Rich And The Poor Alike. Are we not all humans?

Why is it that a person can think they are better than a poor person? You are not better than them. Too many people think that a person who does not dress like them, talk like them, or have as many resources as them are less than who they are. This should not be. Instead of trying to reach the top on our own, we should help people who have every right to be at the top but just don’t have the same things to get to the top. If God plans to give everyone a home in His Kingdom, while we are here on earth, we should go out of our way to help the poor. Honestly, what can you do with a few dollars to buy anything? You should give them more than a few dollars when you give. If you were in their shoes and you got “spare change,” and only one person gave to you in that day, you couldn’t get much of anything.


In various areas there are signs that say, “Stop Panhandling and Give To a Charity Instead.”Panhandling is giving someone money on the street. This no panhandling sign is unethical and just plan rude. Why would you hold on to your money and give to a charity when there is a person right in front of you holding out their hand? Don’t believe the lie that these homeless people are just going to use this money for drugs and alcohol. Oh but it’s okay for you to use your money to get drunk and high on your own dollar, but look down on everyone else and the poor. Or you go and sin with your own money, but deny that same right to a person asking for money on the street and you don’t even give them a chance to use the money for good. You don’t have someone telling you what you can spend your money on when you get your paycheck! But you lie to yourself and tell yourself your not going to help the poor person out because you don’t approve of how you THINK they are going to use their money, but you don’t know for sure. Best case scenario is you could go out of your way, and bring that person a meal or a jacket or something useful if you really don’t want to give your money away. But come on, not giving someone in need cash is just not fair.



John the Baptist said to share our extra shirts and food with the person who doesn’t have any. The thing is people have more than one nice outfit in their closet and could easily depart with one outfit to dress the poor in decent clothing. The same goes with food. We have to realize that people have food sitting in their cabinets and homes that could be divided to help the poor. You know you are just going to get more. We have to take notice of the extra we have and put it to good use. Wise words say don’t store up treasure on earth. Jesus said that and He made the world, I think He knows what He is talking about. If people sold some of the treasure they have, and gave the money to the poor or collected it with other peoples money to put the poor in a good home, they would be wiser for it.

What will it take?


We need people sharing their resources in order to alleviate the poor of their condition. We need one person to step up and get other people to build a huge building to house thousands of homeless and get them off the street. We need a wealthy individual to build a place for the thousands of poor people on the street, instead of building their overly profitable business. But one person makes millions and billions of dollars a year when you could easily live off of $40,000 or $100,000 for a big family. And you walk by a poor person disgusted that they live in such a way and yet raise no finger to help them. We need people who make over $20,000 to give a percentage of their income to the poor, not just your spare change. If a group of people gave money collectively to one individual to pay for their housing and living needs, that would get people off the streets, one homeless person at a time.

how many signs do you need?


The poor are asking for help and subjecting themselves to harsh conditions to get it. We cannot just pass these people by day after day. I understand if you can’t help the 1st day you see a homeless man because your driving and just don’t have anything on you, but you should prepare for the next day, go to the ATM and take a $20 out and give it. It’s already enough when you see a person without anything on the street, but when they are holding a sign that you don’t even read, that’s you going too far. He or she is hurting and needs someone to give them a break.


Don’t Just Walk By Everyday

You say you want to change the world, but walk by someone in need

I see many people on the street, but not many people helping the poor. You may have an organization out their trying to end world hunger, but what about the one individual you can put up in an apartment and give food to, right in your own street. Or you Authors out there, You make plenty of money off your book that sold thousands but can’t get smart enough to help a person in need who can’t even buy your new book. You peta people care about not eating animals because you care so much about the animals and don’t want them hurt or tortured, but can’t help another human get even a bite of a decent meal. you pay sports players millions of dollars each, but can’t give a percentage to the poor and get one poor person off the street with your salary.



There is a story in the Bible about A rich man and a poor man named Lazarus. I would really recommend reading the story. We all have a “Lazarus,” in our life that we must remember to tend to their needs.

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